I'll be seeing you

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Evie stood waiting at the Smithsonian in the middle of an exhibit she helped open. Tony had been her escort. She knew he'd be here. Natasha was telling the federal government to fuck off as she waited like she had the past five days. It took her four seconds to spot him, staring at the exhibit that contained information on him. Evie came up behind him, "You were born in Indiana, March seventeenth, nineteen seventeen. Your dad was in the Army. Eventually your family settled in Brooklyn, where you saved Steve Rogers' ass. A scrawny little shit, that got into every fight imaginable."

"And you?" he asked.

"Evelyn Rose Stark. Born September twenty fifth, nineteen twenty, in Richford New York. I'm the youngest Stark sibling. I met the love of my life in nineteen forty-two. Blacked his eye because he was a bit of a jerk. Thought that he was the only suitor worth dancing with that night. Ended up dancing with his scrawny ass friend all night after I punched him. Little shit stepped on my toes all night." She laughed at the memory of a tiny Steve. Peggy had threatened to turn him into a snack that night.

"I worked for the Strategic Scientific Reserve, since it's founding,  with my brother Howard, and best friend Peggy Carter. The SSR would later be SHIELD. Then in nineteen forty-five that guy I mentioned, he died, or so I thought. Apparently he survived a nice long fall into a snowy ravine in Italy. Then Stevie went into the ice a few months later. I let Howard use me as the test subject for the serum Steve was injected with. Only my brother's version had a side effect we don't know if Steve's has. I haven't aged since about forty eight-ish." She shrugged at that last sentence.

"And that guy you mentioned? Still care about him," James asked.

"Yeah. I retired the minute an insane Norse God told me he was still alive. Gave up sixty two years at SHIELD, and a cushy job as their Director of Intelligence. All because I knew that if there was a chance he was still alive, I couldn't just let him be out there. Not when Stevie and I were alive and together," Evie answered, "They call me the woman time forgot. Time wasn't the only thing that forgot me." She frowned, before putting on a reserved smile. "My life has been good, a great career. I adore my nephew. My brother Howard has been gone a long time. Peggy is still alive, she has dementia. But there are moments where my friend is still there. Then Stevie came back. I have had a great life, lonely at times but great."

Jame bit his lower lip, flinching as she reached for a chain around her neck. She pulled his dog tags off handing them to him. "Why give these up?"

"Because even if you want nothing to do with us, I want you to try to remember who we are. Who you were.  You were a good man James Buchanan Barnes, I wouldn't have loved you if you were anything less. If you ever need me, I'll be here," she said.

"You're just going to give up just like that?" he asked.

"I'm not giving up. I'm giving you time. I'm giving you your freedom after nearly seventy years you deserve it. The things that are truly meant to be find their way back," Evie said, looking up at the ceiling, "And if you never come back I'll at least have had the opportunity to say I'll be seeing you James."

James put the dog tags on, finding that that familiar piece of jewelry fit. He noticed another chain around her neck. "What's that?"

"The locket that guy gave me," she said, smiling, her fingers toying with the oval shaped locket, "Once I got used to him he was pretty sweet, called me"-

"Doll. I called you doll," he said.

"You did," she replied, looking down at it. She caught a flash of the time on her watch. "I have to go." She pulled a key out of her pocket, and put it in his hand. "It's to a shit hole apartment in Bucharest. One of my safe houses. It's yours if you decide to use it. Only person that has a key is now you. There's money in the floor enough to last a while."

He nodded, pocketing the key. "Thank you."

She held out her hand, "I'll be seeing you, James."

He shook it. "You're just going to go?"

It was her turn to nod. "I'm a selfish human being James. I always have been. Take this as a miracle." She walked away.

James lost her in the crowd. She disappeared, much like the spy he learned she was. She'd been used to getting lost in crowds, making herself invisible. His flesh hand reached for the key to the safe house, squeezing it tightly. Maybe he'd end up in Bucharest. Maybe he'd contact her again.

"On your left," Steve groaned.

Sam rolled his eyes, "How are you feeling?"

"Did we save him?" Steve asked.

"He disappeared before we could take him somewhere safely," Evie said, leaning against the wall. She hated lying to Steve but it had to be done. She knew he'd mindlessly go after James and screw it all up. James had been a POW for seventy years, he deserved freedom and the opportunity to discover who he was. Evie could respect that, but she knew Steve couldn't.

"Did he?"

"Remember us? I don't know Stevie," she lied again.

Steve frowned, "He saved me."

"Then maybe, but I haven't been able to find him," she said. Another lie. Man she was on a roll today. "Just rest Stevie. Sam and I will find him. Eventually, he'll turn up."

Steve nodded, "Evie are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm going to be fine," she answered, coming over to kiss his forehead, "I love you punk."

"His dog tags are gone," Steve said.

"He must have gotten them when we were pulled ashore. Which is a good sign," she stated, "Give it time Stevie. We'll look for him."

Steve looked at Sam, "Is this going to be an issue for you two?"

"Naw. We're good," Sam replied, "She's my best friend. You both are. It'll be fun. A nice long vacation."

"I think we're all overdue for one of those," Evie laughed, "A nice beach, cocktails, bikinis." Her cellphone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket, "It's Tones. I'm going to handle this." She stepped outside of Steve's hospital room. "Hey Tony."

"Busy week," Tony asked.

"Something like that. I'm okay though. Steve is awake. It's gonna be okay," she said, resting her head against the wall she was leaning on.

"You sound tired, I can send a plane. Bring you to the tower for awhile. You can help Pepper"-

"Plan a wedding I hope," she teased.

"No," Tony replied, "Sorry to break your heart."

"No she's too brilliant to marry you," Evie teased, "I have some things to settle here, then I'll come to New York. I might drag Steve along with me."

"Sounds good. I love you Evie."

"Love you too, Tones." She hung up before going back into Steve's room. "We have an invite to stay at Avengers Tower. Tony is rebranding."

Steve rolled his eyes. "Of course he is."

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