13. Oh Baby!

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A/N - Special mention to happyy_me and Garimasrivasatava  for their constant love and support on my stories and for their thorough reviews, thank you both! 🤗😇

Warning: PG13 rating for this chapters, readers discretion required for 13 and below.


Arnav came home early that day. Last few days were busy for him, with the whole preparation going on to bring Namish Malhotra on-board and then the festive season going on full swing. To add to it, even Khushi was quite busy these days, her 'Gupta foods' was doing very well and now expanding their business to neighbor-by states of Delhi. And with pandemic time since last year, Khushi had incorporated many good ideas like home delivery of freshly cooked food, tie-up with NGOs to provide them food as well as give them employment to make some food items, opening branches in Delhi and so on. But that meant they hardly got time for each other.

And now he was hoping to spend some alone time with her today before their kids or ladies of the house took her away from him for the evening. He glanced at his wristwatch, 4.30 pm. The kids must still be taking a nap, except their princess Arohi of course! She hardly took a daytime-nap and either clung to Khushi or was taking the house down with some pranks. Since he didn't see her down, he knew she must be with Khushi. Just like Kavish when he was that small! Thankfully Pari chose to be different (or was she? His mind asked but he decided to brush that thought aside for now. Their appointment with her doctor had gone well and he hoped Pari's speech therapies would work)

And he was right when he heard aru's giggles from their room and Khushi's voice as he reached the door of their bedroom. She was talking on phone, seemingly to her mother.

"I know Amma and that is why I was saying another baby is the perfect idea."

Wait what? Arnav FROZE, quite literally!

"What? No, I agree there are already bunch of kids here, but they will adore another sibling. And a baby brings a couple together Amma, you only taught me."

No, no no. not again Khushi. He was done with that. Not that he hated having a baby with her, they made cute kids but he hated how the entire process left him anxious worrying for her. And owing to how fragile his wife was, he didn't want to risk anything again!

"No no I have not spoken to anyone yet, I just thought to talk to you first. Ok, I will. Take care Amma. By the way, your Aru is trying to grab the phone from me, talk to her" Khushi turned to hand over the cellphone to arohi, that's when she saw Arnav at the door.

"Arnav ji! When did you arrive? Aaj jaldi? And why are you standing at the door like that?" handing over the phone to Aru Khushi walked towards arnav who seemed to have stood rooted on the spot.

"Khushi, *ahem(clearing his throat)* we already have 3 kids" that was the first thing he said! He didn't want to wait, because to hell with finding right time, there was no better time.

She looked at him as if he had gone crazy. Trying to check if he had fever, she raised her hand on his forehead and checked temperature. It seemed normal. But why was he behaving weird, it was still her domain right? First he came home so early, and then he was staring at her, stammering, and asking weird questions? Reminding her they had 3 kids? She knew that!

"Arnav ji are you ok? Did something happen?" she asked cautiously, praying everything with deal was still on and ok in the office.

"No, not yet at least. I hope" he knew she would not do anything like that, going behind his back without discussing but he was scared. Afterall they had their own experience of unplanned pregnancy before..What if it was too late...'being late', how double meaning those words were and how horrified he was to think of the other meaning...

"Ok Arnavji, you know what? let me get you ginger tea, that will help your stress levels go down" she said trying to step out of the room. Him being tired was the only reason she could make out of his weird blabbering and incoherent sentences.

"Wait Khushi, I need to talk to you" he said holding her wrist. She stopped and looked at him. He seemed very annoyed and impatient. That started working her up too.

"Ok boliye, what's wrong? Kya hua hain? You're scaring me now" a thousand possibilities started running in her mind

"Dara hua toh main hoon (Scared is what I am!) Anyway, the thing is Khushi, I don't want us to have another baby" there he said it! Now ke sera sera. Jo hoga so hoga..

"Erm, ok" she said trying to gauge where this was going.

"Ok? So you're convinced?" he could not believe it. 5 minutes ago she was hell bent on convincing her amma about another child and now she says ok?

"Convinced? When did I become stubborn for it to get convinced?" she was confused in fact. Why was he talking about having another baby?

"You were! just few minutes ago, when you were talking about it" why was she denying it?

"I think Arnav ji, you're very stressed. That's why you're imagining things" she said twisting her lips

"Please Khushi. I heard you were telling Amma that you want another baby. I don't want another baby; we already have 3 kids. As it is we get so little time with each other and besides, last time itself doctor advised us against having another child remember?"

"Uff laad governor! Calm down, will you? First, stop eavesdropping on my conversations"

"what the-"

"Wait, let me complete. So yeah, stop doing that. And secondly, I was not talking about us. I was talking about jiji and Akash jijaji" she said as if it was most normal thing to talk to her mother about. He couldn't believe they were discussing that.

"Kya?" he wanted to be sure nonetheless

"Aur kya? Amma and I were discussing what jiji mentioned to us a few days ago when Amma babuji visited us. Jiji wants another baby, but she was unsure if that was a good idea considering the house is already full with 4 kids and when Anjali di's son Pratham joins, it becomes a mad house! But I was saying that a baby-"

She was stopped mid-sentence as Arnav pulled her to himself and kissed her passionately, taking her by surprise 

"Woah! What was that for?" she said touching her lips, still catching her breath after that heck of a kiss!

"Everything! I love you; you know?" he said resting his forehead on hers. Feeling extremely relieved that what he thought wasn't truly made him overwhelmed with emotions.

"I know!" she gave a bright smile and continued "besides, I don't think I fancy the idea of another baby either! So, relax. There's only so much I can handle" she said pouting

"I second that Mrs. Raizada. And now if you'll allow me, let me tell you EXACTLY why I came home early!" he said picking her bridal style and moving to bed, until they realized their daughter was still there, talking to her nani. Arnav sighed and Khushi giggled, getting down from his arms.

Least they knew, Payal's wish was already fulfilled, unknown to all of them, even she being oblivious to it. After talking to Akash and knowing even he would love another child, it had then stuck her, her periods were irregular since last month...a pregnancy test was due after all!


A/N – Badhai ho! Lol. Scared you'll, didn't I? 😁 No, I am not planning for arshi to have a 4th baby anytime soon. 🤭 But time to bring another little one for payal-Akash! 

Do let me know what you thought of this chapter and please don't forget to vote,  like I said in the other book, lets see when can we hit 1k mark first between this book and other mishbir book of mine 😎 though that one's leading right now 😀

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