113. Teddy comes home!

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Our second quiz winner is jishnu1899 who was the first one to give right answers. Of course, most of you also gave correct answers. Well done! ❣


The police officer on duty looked at the three people sitting in front of him with curiosity. In his profession, he often dealt with families coming here to file missing complaints of their loved ones, sometimes elderly people suffering from dementia, sometimes little kids who lost their ways and occasionally some adults. And the police officer and his team always did their best to find all those missing people, with a good success rate. But today, this family who were here for their missing dog and were so worried made him quite amazed.

"So, when will you start the search operations?" Aakash asked.

Arnav, who had just signed after a police constable lodged the complaint, didn't wait for the officer to answer and said, "What do you mean when? The search must start immediately."

Khushi who was sitting on the other side of Arnav pressed his hand. She understood it was his usual reaction when one of the family members were in problem but right now, they needed to behave responsibly. Especially as they were seeking help from the police.

The police officer cleared his throat before speaking in an authoritative tone, "Look Mr. Raizada, I understand you are worried for your pet. But as per the standard process we wait for a few hours before the search begins. However, I assure you I will personally investigate this matter and start the search operation as soon as I can." The last line was more to assure the agitated family. He was used to handling such situations, yet every time someone was here filing missing complaint for their loved ones, he would find it hard to console them appropriately, while staying within his limits as a government official.

Mami ji was looking after a sleeping trio of Chiku, Aru and Pari. When Arnav and Aakash dropped them all home from the park and declared that they were going to the police station to file a missing complaint for Teddy, Khushi insisted she wanted to accompany them as well. Payal was needed near Palash thus Mami ji came forward to be with Khushi's kids. Especially pari. They all knew how she was very much attached to their pet dog Teddy and Khushi had told them how she had been crying when Teddy was not found earlier.

Mami ji caressed Pari's head as she fidgeted in her sleep.

Pari, meanwhile, was having a vivid dream. She was in an unfamiliar place. Alone. Neither her maa, nor Aru nor Chiku, nor her Dada was around. She was starting to panic. And that was when she felt teddy come from her side and rub his head against her arm, his usual way of showing his affection for her. Pari giggled and turned to pull his ears like she usually did. But he ran away. And Pari ran behind him. Soon, her maa also came there and Pari tried to tell her maa that Teddy was running away. But as usual she couldn't "say" it. However, her wonderful maa understood her without her saying anything and told Pari that she would bring teddy.

Having full faith in her Maa, Pari calmed down and felt her eyes drop with sleep. Or was she already sleeping? She didn't understand as the dream was over and a deep slumber had once again engulfed her.


It was pitch dark inside the park. Teddy missed his home. It was way past his dinner time too. If he had been at home, some yummy food would have been waiting for him. And then he would play a little with Chiku and Piya and then scare a little to Aru who always freaked out when he playfully kept his leg on her lap. And then he would finally sit beside Pari as she did some wonderful coloring in her book. He would diligently woof in appreciation for her work!

But right now, he was here, and he didn't know where they all were.

He had tried to run towards the park exit and stand there for a few minutes trying to figure out if he remembered his way back home. But this being night and the first visit to this park, even his inherent skills to remember the way didn't quite help.

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