27. Chiku meets Chiku(Virat Kohli)

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Quick note: I am thinking to have a new banner/cover pic for this book, anyone ready to volunteer to make one, please DM me. Thanks.


Aman had recently returned from his week-long vacation at his wife's hometown, Shimla. In the last 14 years that he had been working with his boss-turned-family, ASR, Aman had known 2 things about his boss. One was ASR wanted his employees to work hard(duh-uh) and second was he wanted them to value their families and respected when they wanted to take some earned time off. Very few employers are so clear and transparent in their expectations and walk the talk. He knew this from his friends who were working with other big companies. So Aman knew what a rare gem of a person his boss was, strict as hell yet a compassionate human at heart! That was the reason why despite having had numerous offers and calls from other companies, Aman stuck with AR. He had a good pay, had a good position (now he sat on the board of directors as MD of southern India branches of AR) and sometimes long working hours but he had become a workaholic now, so it was all good!

So, when his boss called him a couple of days ago to do a little stretched out job and off their circle of work, he wasn't much surprised. ASR wanted him to get appointment to meet Indian cricket player, Virat Kohli! AR dealt with fashion and showbiz because of the inherent nature of their business but they weren't that big in sportwear yet, so they didn't have much connect with cricket players. However, his boss's son Kavish was a cricket fan, Aman knew. He had been arranging match tickets for them for years now, whenever matches happened in Delhi or other cities.

But getting in touch with Indian men's cricket team's captain was a bit difficult for him too. That too, the meet was not business but personal, as ASR wanted his son to be able to spend some time with the famous cricketer.

However, he wouldn't be called Aman Mathur, ASR's right-hand man, if he couldn't do what his boss wanted! Besides Kavish was like his own nephew to him. And so, he had succeeded in getting an entire evening from Virat Kohli's schedule, with the help of Virat's manager and some other connections.


Kavish was surprised that even after he was holding the milk glass as it is for so long, his mamma-papa hadn't gotten angry yet. In fact, they had been stealing glances at each other, as if hiding some secret. Just like he and his friends did in school. What was going on?

It wasn't his birthday and his sisters' birthday was 2 months away. So what was the surprise they were planning?

"Kavish come on, finish that milk fast, you and I are going out in 20 minutes" Arnav declared much Kavish's sadness. Uh-oh. So they hadn't forgotten about the milk then!


As Arnav helped Kavish put on the seat belt, Arnav felt butterflies in his own stomach. No, not because he was eager to meet Kohli but because he was eager to see his son's reaction when he came face to face with his favorite player.

Khushi had volunteered to stay back because one, she would have been happier if it was Anushka Sharma accompanying them too, but Anushka wasn't and second, getting Aru-Pari tag along with them might not have been a good idea.

"Papa, ab toh batao where are we going?" Kavish asked for the umpteenth time. His mamma had readied him in his favorite blue t-shirt and jeans, made his hair and told him to click many photos. But he didn't even know where was he going?

"Patience baby. You will know soon." with that Arnav started the ignition of his SUV and they were on their way.


As soon as they entered the presidential suite in the Maurya Sheraton in Delhi, Kavish took in the surrounding of the posh hotel. He had frequently visited upscale restaurants and five-star hotels with Arnav-Khushi, so this was nothing new to him. And then he spotted someone there, making him gasp. He tugged at Arnav's arm.

"Papa, look, it is Virat Kohli there. Can we ask for his autograph?" and even before Arnav could reply, Virat started walking towards them, making Kavish jump with joy.

"Hello Mr. Raizada, how are you?" Virat said shaking hands with Arnav

"Hello Mr. Kohli, I hope we didn't keep you waiting." Arnav politely greeted him with a practiced grace, and already liking the surprised expressions on Kavish's face. It was worth all the efforts!

"Please call me Virat. And this little guy must be your son Kavish?" Virat said bending to Kavish's level, making his already widened eyes, wide more with shock. What was happening? Virat Kohli knew his papa? And he was talking to him now? Was he dreaming? Meeting celebrities wasn't new for Kavish, and he had met film stars before, but this was the first time he was meeting a cricket player and not just anyone, but his favorite one! Kavish blushed a bit yet gave a wide smile and shook his little hand for a handshake with Virat's as Arnav looked with pride.

Their host for the evening soon escorted the trio to a seating area, needless to say they had complete privacy. In short, Kavish had Virat all to himself! And Kavish took full advantage of it. Once the initial shyness faded away, he started asking tons of questions and Arnav could see Virat was amused answering them for his son. Kavish told Virat about how he follows every match of team India and other country tournaments, he listened as Virat told him how he made a career in cricket and how used to be as a child and finally he blushed as bit when Arnav told them Khushi, Kavish's mother calls him Chiku, a nickname Virat also shared. Finally, their food was served and Virat and Kavish continued to talk about their favorite obsession, cricket; clicked a few pictures and of course he got Virat's autograph. Arnav watched with happiness and satisfaction to see how he succeeded in getting his son a memory of a lifetime. What was the use of his name and fame if it couldn't use them to make his kids happy? And it surely looked like his eldest was happy!


Later as they made their way to parking lot, Arnav noticed Kavish's shoelaces had come undone, so he bent to his level to tie them. Kavish had been in a trance until then but as soon as he saw his papa at his face level, he threw his arms around Arnav's neck.

"Papa, you are the best papa in the world! I love you." Kavish jumped in Arnav's arms, making Arnav jump back in surprise but soon engulf him in a tight hug.

"I love you too baby. You know I always said to your maa that she is the most important deal of my life. But aapko ek secret batau? YOU and your sisters are the most important deal of our life Kavish." Kavish didn't understand much about the 'deals' part, but he enjoyed getting his papa's undivided attention after a long time.

Arnav continued holding him, feeling overjoyed, wanted to tell his son so much about his feelings,

"Your mamma knows this that I am not good in saying 'I love you' or kisses and hugs but baby, please always know that you are very very special because you taught me how to be a good father, you trusted me to hold you when you took your first step, and your little heart has so much of love that makes us feel proud to have you. I love you baby." Arnav kissed his hair and Kavish just hugged him tight.

He couldn't wait to go home and share all this with his mamma, how he wished she also accompanied them. And then of course, he was going to call his school-friends and brag about meeting Virat! So cool!!

"yayy!" Kavish jumped with joy thinking about all this, as they proceeded to the car and Arnav shook his head, laughing at his antics...


A/N – So how was it? Some latest status of our dear Aman ji :D. Also, for those who don't know Virat Kohli's pet name is Chiku. When I was thinking of nicknames for Kavish, I had 2 options, Guddu and Chiku. Although, I chose Chiku because I like that fruit 'chiku' lol but also because I could make this connection later. I am a Dhoni fan though, just to be clear :P

Anyhow, next is khushi's bday and then a scandalous-chapter 'who's more important, Di or-?' ahaha. I am trying to post all these 2-3 chapters before my upcoming break, but I also don't want to rush. Let's see. glad to see a lot of new readers around :)

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