73. Double the joy & count 3!

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here's 2023's first CSD update for you all! and coincidentally it's on Jan 20th - twins' birthday! ❤

Also, there's a surprise entry of someone and intro of a new character too, see if you can guess :P


The air hostess passed weird looks to the couple who looked a bit too older to bicker like teenagers

"I told you; it is a perfect gift for them." he argued

"No, no no, it looks very kiddish and it's not even in style now-a-days." she said passing disapproving look to the two identical boxes with kids' watches.

He sighed as they were arguing over the gifts for the umpteenth time in the last 2 days and even continued so in their flight

"I hope you know the gift IS for the KIDS, Jaz, it is ok to be kiddish!" he said rolling his eyes.

She huffed and said "fine" and he sensed her arguments were more of her tries to be perfect and being nervous of meeting his family for the first time.

"Don't worry, they will like you." he said, kissing her hair and she rested her head on his arm, as the plane moved further towards Delhi.


Just like last year, this year too Arnav and Khushi Singh Raizada threw a grand birthday bash to celebrate their daughters' 3rd birthday. Inviting everyone from their tiny toddler friends from the school to the kids' parents, to some of the well-known personalities in business world, it was a lavish affair. In fact, there was an added celebration to it, in the form of AR's kids' line's post launch success!

And as the party was in full swing with everyone sharing a hearty laughter, kids running around playing together, and Arnav-Khushi greeting their guests; they saw the last guest of the evening enter, with a beautiful girl holding his arm. Khushi couldn't contain her joy as she squealed in happiness and hugged the person as soon as he and the girl with him reached near them. Arnav on the other side held his urge to pull her away from that 3-second cute(!) reunion - oh yeah, he counted seconds. so what?

"We are glad you guys made it." Arnav said shaking his hands with the man in front of him and the girl with him, Jaz.

"I hope we aren't late for the cake cutting" Jaz said nervously looking behind them and spotting the birthday girls who were currently surrounded by little kids!

"Bilkul nahi (not at all), you are on time and besides we wouldn't have done it without you two." Khushi said as she warmly hugged Jaz. Jaz felt her nervousness fading away after meeting Khushi,

"You look very pretty, Khushi" Jaz complemented her in her accented English and kissed khushi's cheek lightly,

Khushi smiled, "thank you Jaz ji. You look beautiful too, more than we saw you in our video calls."

"Really? I am wearing the saree you helped me select from that website and the jewelry-" Jaz and Khushi had started off on their chatter about their 'shopping stories' forgetting the presence of men besides them for a moment

Arnav and the man with Jaz had run at the end of their patience here and were officially awkward. So, Arnav cleared his throat to pull the attention back to them,

"If you both could discuss the shopping experience later, we have a cake cutting here." Arnav said in his usual blunt way making Jaz flustered and khushi glare at him. But he pulled her towards the stage as he himself was getting impatient for the cake cutting of his babies!

Choti Si Duniya - ArShi FFWhere stories live. Discover now