Interlude I - kids' characters

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Here's your first Bonus chapter guys 🤗 Lets start the "Diwali week" with an update of my favorite story – choti si duniya! 💃First interlude of this FF here talks about our favorite munchkins and what inspires me to write them and what their character traits are. Enjoy! 💕


Most of these characters especially Anvav-Khushi with their kids are loosely inspired from the things I have observed around me as well as the shows I followed and see arshi and their kids in them. So yes, they are realistic along with my blend of fiction in them with arshi's traits.

Arohi aka Princess Raizada – Starting with arshi's darling daughter Arohi aka Aru! Contrary to popular notion of daughters being closer to only father(arnav) and sons to only mother(khushi), some kids are closer to both parents equally, sharing equally special bonds with them, clinging to both of them :P She is that monkey!!!

Her antics are based on this cute video featuring this cute toddler Anahita (God bless her), except her complexion is more like arnav's and hazel eyes like Khushi's. Since she and Pari are fraternal twins, she doesn't share her twin sister's face cut and features. Its another matter that in nature too, they are polar opposites. Aru commands attention of both her parents and knows how to have her way to get things she wants while Pari, well more on her below.

Aru's favorite person in this world is her Dada(Arnav),her favorite place is her mamma's lap with her head resting against her mamma's soft bosom, her bhaiyya is her idol and her twin is her confidante(will be growing up)! Her favorite playmate is her Piya didi, she loves to rile her up. Aru is very possessive of Khushi and always clings to her, mainly since she has seen her dad do the same and also because she is a bundle of mush :P her bond to arshi is partially also inspired from ross-rach to Emma and Jane-Rafael to Mateo. She is their love personified being truly a daddy's girl and mommy's world! And her world is her mamma-dada and her siblings...

Shriya aka Pari Singh Riazada - except her badi dadi (Subhadra Malik) no one remembers her birthname, she is mostly known as Pari.  She is truly an angel!  She shares closest bond with her da-she cant' say dada yet, (Arnav), although looks-wise she is a beautiful blend of both her parents, his eyes, her smile. While she inherited Khushi's milky complexion and lean built, she is going to grow up to be exceptionally talented, showing Arnav's brainy genes and business acumen!

Her and Arnav's bond is more like this adorable father-daughter duo (God bless them)

Then comes a tough part! She is a special child (read chapter 11 if you haven't), she doesn't speak much and is often in her own world. Right from her birth, she has had to fight her way.  She is based on some inspirations from fiction as well as real world. Believe it or not, some kids are more intense and are happy in their own world and we let them have their space. Doesn't mean they are ignored; we just don't poke them unnecessarily. Pari is based on that. She has her own moments, but she will not be as active and bouncing like Kavish or Aru. And that's the beauty of her character. Some would say she is like ASR before he met khushi but then again, not just yet... that's her challenge. 

She loves Khushi a lot too though she cant express it in words. She shares a very special bond with Aru and will always looks out for her clumsy sister as they grow up! She sometimes feel neglected as she cant fight for Khushi's attention like Aru neither can talk a lot like her bhaiyya. Though she loves the moments when her mamma cuddles her every morning, kisses her good night and holds her close whenever she is sad. Eventually she will grow up to be beauty with brains (we'll have a chapter or two as a future sneak-peeks in between)

Kavish aka Chiku aka Laddu aka kishu - Yeah you got it. Arnav-Khushi's eldest has a tons of nicknames! and why not, he is the first baby of sanka devi and laad governor!

He is khushi's xerox copy-looks-wise except his eyes, which are chocolate brown like arnav's and is a proud mamma's boy. After Khushi's unplanned pregnancy a year before him (I briefly mentioned this in one of the chapters) and subsequent miscarriage, he was a well-planned baby! and much anticipated too. For more than 3 years he had the sole attention of his parents also being younger one to his cousin Piya. Then his twin sisters came along. He assumed the responsibility of the big brother soon, although he still craves his parents' attention (more chapters on this are coming!). Again, I write him based on some fiction and some real ones, some I observe around me. I imagine this cute guy when I write his scenes. Absolutely adored him in YRKKH (God bless him)

He is a doting bhaiyya to his sisters and already a man of the house

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He is a doting bhaiyya to his sisters and already a man of the house. He loves cricket! And loves his mamma the most! His papa is his biggest supporter though they often find it difficult to communicate these days, since his sisters were born. Though his papa has always ensured he gets everything he desires and wishes! He is the second person in the family to share the liking for Jalebis, after his mamma! Though he was very naughty, even more naughty than Aru, when he was 2-3 years-old, now he has reduced that. But occasionally he cant resist to pull some pranks too...(A secret about him - He thinks his best friend Rucha is very beautiful, and wishes she could stay with him all the time :D)

Piya Singh Raizada - she is the eldest amongst Raizada kids and apple of her dadi's eye (Manorama Mami). She is very pampered, especially by her papa and her dadi, though she is also her ma's (payal's) jaan! She is somewhat based on this cute girl(God bless her too)

 She is very pampered, especially by her papa and her dadi, though she is also her ma's (payal's) jaan! She is somewhat based on this cute girl(God bless her too)

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For almost 3-4 years she was the only little girl in the house then suddenly she had to share the attention with her cousin twin-sisters. She loves them but her one cousin sister Aru troubles her too much. She's understanding and calm in nature though.

She loves her books, specially the poem book her papa had got her on her 5th birthday. Apart from that, she loves hearing her Khushi maasi's stories and also thinks Kavish is the best cricket player ever! (she is his first cheerleader :P)

I haven't thought of payal-akash's new baby yet but I think it will be mostly a boy! Maybe a naughty one. But lets see.

Having said that I know we are at a stage of the story where most of you might already have some images about these characters. So please continue to read with them in mind, I just wanted to share what inspires me when I write about them.

I might add few more additional traits in here in coming days so pls keep looking if this chapter/interlude gets updated. There will be a regular update later this week, either Wednesday or Friday so look out for that too. 🤗

Let me know if you liked this idea of adding this kind of a chapter.

Enjoy the holiday season with your loved ones and please don't forget to vote! 💕😇

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