117. A Cheat day

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Q/N - drinking is bad, cheating is worse. And patience is a good virtue to be my readers :P


Arnav Singh Raizada loved his wife and kids, there were no second thoughts about that. He couldn't imagine a day without kissing his wife or hugging his kids to his heart.

Yet, he missed some moments of his bachelor life. Moments when there were no restrictions on him. When he could stay at business parties for longer, when his schedules were not governed by 4 other people's timetables, when he enjoyed the attention of other gender without feeling guilty and sometimes engage in harmless flirting which most times ended in him getting the girl's number and him never calling them back! But you got the gist, he missed that old time in his life when he was freer.

To be fair, even after his and khushi's marriage (the second one) their life had been equally exciting. Going on impromptu long drives late into the night, planning surprise mini honeymoons with her, her love being centered on him and thus showering all her attention on him. Which man would not be the happiest one alive if the most beautiful woman on this earth loved him like this and was his to claim?

But in the past 7-8 years, their life had been under so many restrictions. First when kavish was born and khushi constantly fussed over him. They couldn't go to any event post 8 pm and late-night drives were out of the question! In fact, the joy of becoming a new father had also made him forget any other pleasures of life! And by the time their son turned 3 and became a little independent, Arohi and pari descended from heaven to their personal haven and demanded twice the amount of attention from khushi and him than kavish did! His late nights were mostly spent making Aru sleep when she was crying non-stop and khushi's thousand efforts in calming her down were futile. Or when khushi had refused to go out anywhere for almost 2 years, focusing her entire time on Aru and Pari's mealtimes-and-sleeping schedules. And he had no one else to blame but his own "free willed romance" for that chaos that became his lifeline too. Precious to him, of course, but still chaos.

So, tonight as he sat in this large conference room of a posh five-star hotel for an important business meeting, his eyes kept darting towards the bar that was visible through the glass pane of the conference room. Surely, one glass won't do bad? Besides, with Mohan present, driving home wasn't a concern.

With that decision made, he refocused on the crucial proposal his team had presented to the investors. Securing this deal was important for AR, and so far, his team had done a great job. He just needed to make a concluding point before the papers were signed.

Suddenly, his attention was drawn to someone standing near the door on the other side of the room. From his vantage point, it was clear the individual was attempting to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Although distracted for a minute, he managed to gain control over his anger and shock and continued through the meeting. And as soon as the documents were signed, he excused himself to go look for the one who was spying on his deal. Clearly, he had caught the person off-guard as when he opened the door, the woman nearly fell over him!

He reluctantly steadied her and noticed the extra-short black dress she was wearing with noodle straps that showed her milky skin, and a very deep neckline, showing her ample cleavage. For a moment, he hated himself for noticing someone like that who was not Khushi!

"What are you doing here?" he bellowed making the girl flinch at his tone.

"I- I just- I was looking for someone. Looks like I came to a wrong place, I am sorry." She said, and legit ran away before he could ask anything more.

Choti Si Duniya - ArShi FFWhere stories live. Discover now