106. Pain & Pleasure - part 2

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Q/N - Belated Eid Mubarak to all those who celebrated, hope you had a nice celebration with your loved ones! ♥


Parenthood is a two-edged sword, because as much as intense happiness it can give, it can induce equally intense pain. Especially when you see your kid is hurt. Arnav and Khushi both had realized this a long time ago.

Since the time they had lost their first child even before it was born...

Before they got pregnant for the very first time, 2 years into their marriage, totally unplanned, parenthood for Arnav was a territory where he wanted to step a foot only for Khushi but at the same time hesitated to do so because of his own past experience with his own father. While for Khushi, having a baby was always a happy dream until she got that news suddenly and she had panicked at the prospects. They were both unprepared and unsure at that time and eventually a week later, when she miscarried, they got a big jolt of reality that their baby didn't just lose its own life but took a part of theirs along as well. That was their first faceoff with how much their child's pain would be their own pain as well.



When Chiku was born, a healthy and happy child, his parents had felt like being at the top of the world! Like they had achieved everything one could in his or her life. One toothless smile of Kavish would make Khushi's day and one tight hold of Arnav's finger in his small fist would make things fall in order for "the" Arnav Singh Raizada.

This lasted for a few days. Until Chiku's first vaccination day, to be precise.

And as that injection needle pierced into Kavish's soft skin of his butt, his cries made both Khushi and Arnav teary eyed, heartbroken, and irritated-at-each-other for no good reason. This habit of getting angry at each other whenever their kids were unwell continued well into the future as well!

When Arnav and Khushi returned home from hospital carrying baby Kavish in their arms that day, they continued to bicker, making all residents of Shantivan watch in shock.

"Don't hold him tightly like that, keep your one arm loosely over here." Showing with his own hand, Arnav needlessly instructed Khushi as she was already properly holding kavish, making her annoyed too.

"I am already holding him properly. Aur waise bhi (And in any case), I am his mother, I know how to hold him." Khushi snapped at him.

Meanwhile, baby Kavish was peacefully sleeping in a comfortable position!

"Aap dono kahe ladh rahe ho, ladhna band kijiye (Stop fighting you two), you will wake him up." Nani reprimanded them.

But even after they went to their room, settled sleeping baby on their bed, and covered him with a soft baby blanket, they continued their argument in hushed voices.

"Don't forget his medicines timings." he had (again-needlessly) remembered.

"Why are you working from home today, Mr. Raizada? Go to office, and show your anger to your employees, leave me and my baby alone." she had (harshly) commented.

Truth was, with every wince, every movement baby chiku was making, it was making his parents' hearts skip a beat. And taking digs at each other was their mechanism to deal with that tension!

Eventually, later that day, as Kavish got better and started playing in a jolly mood, his parents forgot all their fights too and the family of three (that time) started sharing hearty laughter!

However, every time Kavish had to go for vaccination, Raizadas braced themselves to face a very moody Arnav and equally temperamental Khushi!

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