Summary: SCP-103 is a normal man on the surface, average in most every way, however, as the name suggests, he's never hungry. Despite this, 103 appeared completely healthy. Following a passage of time, during one of 103's monthly medical exams, he presented to a Foundation medical facility vomiting heaps of blood, not matching his blood type. Stomach pumping was attempted but failed due to the volume of blood being produced. After the blood flow stopped, an exploratory surgery was conducted, wherein the stomach was observed to have several human face-like protrusions, that retreated from the stomach's wall when the stomach was prodded. Upon opening the stomach cavity, several Cestoid (tapeworm-like) entities burst forth, killing every surgeon in the operating room. Everything else about this SCP is unknown, such as the origin, species, and functions of 103's parasites.
Usefulness: Much like the "hungry bag," any objects coming into contact with the inside of 103's stomach disappears. 103 doesn't produce any waste either. If the specifics of this SCP were better known, using 103 as another waste disposal unit would be ideal. However, the creatures in his stomach, as well as his physical condition, are unpredictable and erratic. No further testing should be conducted, focus on containment.
Against 682: Same with the "hungry bag," 103 could eat 682 over the course of a few minutes, making him supposedly disappear into thin air. If 103 weren't so unpredictable this could be attempted. Until a change in 103's condition is confirmed, no cross-testing is permitted.
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SCP-103 [DATA EXPUNGED] expulsion from subject's[DATA EXPUNGED]