SCP-154 (Offensive Bracelets)

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Summary: SCP-154 is a pair of bronze bracelets. When both bracelets are worn on the same arm, and the wearer poses as if they were holding a bow and arrow, with 154 on their extended arm, their extended arm will manifest an incorporeal, bronze-colored bow, as both bracelets glow. Once concentration is broken, the bow goes away. When concentrating, if the bowstring is released, the bones in the subject's extended arm will shoot out at around 300 mph, causing expected damage/pain to the subject. Within minutes, the arm regenerates and the bow can be fired again. Subjects with more than two arms can fire 154 quicker, as different arm bones can be used while others regenerate. 154's regeneration effect only works on injuries sustained from the firing of the bow. On occasion, when a subject's arm regenerates, it will be mutated to some degree, anywhere from slight pigmentation changes/the addition of extra limbs and fingers to the physiological makeup being drastically changed, to that of such things as an explosive compound making up the bones or a serpentine-like appendage appearing instead of the subject's original arm.

Usefulness: I guess it's a useful weapon for people with a high pain tolerance or multiple arms, since it's a bow with infinite "arrows," but individuals like that are rare to say the least.

Against 682: Yeah you could shoot your arm bones at 682, but why would you?

Against 682: Yeah you could shoot your arm bones at 682, but why would you?

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Artist's rendition of subject using SCP-154 as intended

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Artist's rendition of subject using SCP-154 as intended.

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