SCP-104 (The Lonely Ball)

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Summary: SCP-104 is a glass ball with a wooden center, that reportedly emits a ticking sound. 104's anomalous property is that it will instantly teleport to a person it's "imprinted" on, should that person move too far away from 104's general vicinity. 104 imprints on subjects who make direct skin contact with it, only if 104 is not currently imprinted on another individual. 104 can be destroyed, but will reappear completely intact after its subsequent teleportation. If teleportation is not necessary for 104 to appear in its imprinted subject's general area, it will slowly approach said subject until it is touching said subject, ceasing movement once this is achieved. 104 causes anger and/or paranoia in certain cases, while only causing slight annoyance in others. 104 will only leave an imprinted subject's side once they die or enter a near-death state, like being in critical condition or a coma.

Usefulness: Not useful. It's just a ball that likes being near someone.

Against 682: Annoying 682 would be funny, but this would in no way incapacitate or even harm 682. Testing not permitted, just in case 682 were to learn how to teleport from 104.

 Testing not permitted, just in case 682 were to learn how to teleport from 104

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