SCP-121 (Concrete Cradle)

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Summary: SCP-121 is an anomalous region in Colorado. SCP-121-1 is the designation for the various buildings within 121 that will, one at a time with several weeks between manifestations, fly into the air and stay several meters off the ground for at least 10 weeks, before crashing back to the ground. No 121-1 building is able to be entered from the outside, with every possible entrance/exit being barricaded by furniture. SCP-121-2 is the designation for the creatures created from the rubble, and surrounding cars/flora/buildings, of 121-1 instances. The cores of the 121-2 instances are composed of the furniture found within their corresponding 121-1 manifestations. 121-2 instances show signs of sentience, and will continue to grow as they "consume" more materials, or as materials gravitate towards their masses. 121-2 instances resemble land animals/unknown humanoid shapes. Most instances of 121-2 are docile unless provoked, however some instances have spawned with hostile/territorial personalities. These hostile instances only spawn if the 121-1 manifestations they spawned from contained weapons of any kind or, in one case, a taxidermied bear head. On 11/04/1998, what sounded like a muffled siren was heard by containment staff, leading to the current 121-1 instance being prematurely destroyed midair. When the remains finally fell down, the remains of a 121-2 core were discovered alongside aluminum slag. This is the only instance of a 121-2 failing to spawn after the destruction of a building. On 05/09/2012, a Dodge Caravan was seen floating, marking the first instance of a 121-1 manifestation that wasn't a building. The vehicle has yet to descend, and internal surveillance is impossible due to blankets covering the windows. It's been theorized that this vehicle was affected by 121 because the blanket inside of it was considered by the anomaly as technically furniture. Further experimentation to confirm/deny this claim is ongoing.

Usefulness: Not very useful, as no 121-2 instances have been able to be tamed yet. Should we discover a way to, having rubble creatures at our beck and call would be pretty useful.

Against 682: An instance of 121-2 could possibly stand toe to toe with 682, but not long enough to kill it, at least not permanently.

Against 682: An instance of 121-2 could possibly stand toe to toe with 682, but not long enough to kill it, at least not permanently

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SCP-121-1 instance.

SCP-121-2 instance

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SCP-121-2 instance.

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