SCP-125 (Contagious Reflection)

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Summary: SCP-125 is a being existing solely in reflections. The mirror housing 125 must be covered to prevent accidental infection. 125 is a perfect, black circle existing not on reflective surfaces is comes into contact with, but in the reflections themselves. 125 has not been observed manifesting in any physical form outside of reflections. 125 constantly emits X-rays and does not reflect visible/infrared light. 125 has a different state when observed in ultraviolet, but the specifics are classified. 125 can move around whatever reflective surface it currently lives on, having trouble crossing over scratches or other physical impurities in said surface. 125 is able to transfer itself to any reflections where it can be seen. Example, it could transfer to the sunglasses of someone standing right in front of it, but not behind the mirror it's housed in, as the reflection of said mirror couldn't reach the sunglasses in that position. The reflective surface must provide 125 with a reasonably accurate reflection for it to transfer itself, so dulled reflective surfaces are inhospitable for it. 125 cannot transfer to a surface smaller than it's area. If confined to an area smaller than itself, and given no way to escape it, 125 will disappear from sight. 125 displays signs of sentience/sapience, somehow being able to understand threats made to it, both physical and vocal. It will also try its best to avoid being touched directly or hidden from view. 125's normal state is harmless and incapable of multiplying, but this changes when it transfers onto the reflection of an animal's eye. Once it exists there, 125 will rapidly multiply in the subject's eye, being able to infect multiple reflective surfaces at once. After enough time, the subject will become blind, and the cells in the affected eyes will begin to die, causing an abscess to form. After this stage, transmission to other reflective surfaces is impossible and 125 stops being contagious in the subject. There's no known way to stop an infection of 125, one can only prevent contracting it.

Usefulness: Not useful, like most non-anomalous infections.

Against 682: It wouldn't kill 682, and he'd just regrow any eyes he lost. Also, we don't know if he'd weaponize the infection, or mutate it to grow on non-reflective surfaces, which would definitely result in the end of humanity as we know it. Do not attempt.

Mirror currently housing all known instances of SCP-125

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Mirror currently housing all known instances of SCP-125.

Mirror currently housing all known instances of SCP-125

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Artist's rendition of SCP-125.

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