SCP-119 (Timecrowave)

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Summary: SCP-119 is a microwave containing a magnetron that emits an unknown type of radiation instead of typical microwave radiation. This unknown radiation causes time to accelerate. 119 has 5 different power levels that accelerate time differently. An object placed in 119 for 30 seconds on level 1 will result in the microwaved object rotating for 30 seconds and aging 30 seconds in the process, so standard shit. On level 2, the time experienced within 119 will be the time input squared. So 30 seconds will result in 302 seconds of time experienced in 119, or 15 minutes. Level 3 results in a cubed amount of time experienced in 119, so 30 seconds would lead to 303 seconds of time experienced, or 7.5 hours. Level 4 and 5 act as expected based on levels 1-3. The max amount of time an item can be aged up in one used of 119 is 9995 seconds, or 31,529,964 years. 119 is able to be used with its door open, and it effects its surrounding area in a similar area that microwave radiation would reach, causing the time acceleration effect to get weaker and weaker the farther from 119 objects in the room are. 119 must be disinfected before each use due to an accidental experiment with a bowl of water, leading to thousands of year being experienced in mere seconds. When the door was opened, multiple unknown species were living inside of 119. A thriving ecosystem had evolved from bacteria within the water and on the hands of the researcher who placed the bowl in 119.

Usefulness: 119 is extremely useful for anything that needs to have time pass for it to work, i.e. lab tests where waiting is all that needs to take place to see the results, cheeses and wines that get better with age, etc. All potential uses for 119 have yet to be properly tested.

Against 682: You know how some things get better with age? I don't think 682 is one of them. For all we know he'll only grow stronger with time. Denied.


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