SCP-138 (The Ever-Living Man)

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Summary: SCP-138 is a human male, currently kept in a chemically-induced coma, as he's in constant pain when awake. 138 is theorized to be over 4000 years old, and has sustained severe damage to his body throughout his life, as evidenced by his extremely emaciated and mutilated body. Despite his current condition, 138 is still alive, even though he should be clinically dead. 138 is as close to dead as a human could possibly be without actually dying. 138 may be effectively immortal, but he can't regenerate. His body just continues to live despite lethal damage, for no conceivable reason. 138 speaks ancient Egyptian, and has communicated a desire to be killed, as he suffers from the previously mentioned constant pain, but no such method has been discovered. 138 has survived a slit throat, 17 stab wounds, an injection of arsenic, prolonged exposure to an industrial incinerator, full body electrocution, prolonged strangulation, and 2 gunshot wounds to the head.

Usefulness: Not useful, but at least we were able to simulate death for him.

Against 682: No.

Artist's rendition of SCP-138

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Artist's rendition of SCP-138.

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