SCP-127 (The Living Gun)

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Summary: SCP-127 is a living gun. On the outside, 127 is indistinguishable from an MP5K submachine gun, but on the inside, 127 is fully organic. 127 uses teeth for bullets, and contains 60 at a time. After being emptied of all "bullets," 127 will regrow them over the course of 3-5 days. There is no other way to reload 127. When switched between its semi and fully automatic settings, 127 emits a groaning sound. DNA testing has revealed 127 doesn't belong to any known species on the planet, and also has yet undiscovered reproductive organs. Its origin is unknown.

Usefulness: I guess it's a useful gun to have in a pinch, but a reload time of 3-5 days isn't really efficient. Also, I don't know if teeth can pierce bulletproof vests, but if they can then it'd be useful against those.

Against 682: Yeah no. 682's been shot loads of times already, and he's still alive. I don't think being shot by an organic gun will be any different.

 I don't think being shot by an organic gun will be any different

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Artist's rendition of SCP-127's interior

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Artist's rendition of SCP-127's interior.

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