I f-ing love girls

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A/N: the image above is what Astrid's apartment looks like.

Also, a small trigger warning for talk about mental health. (I am not sure how to tag it but now you know.)

The tour was over way too quickly for Heather's liking. She enjoyed spending time with Frida. She might be a little mysterious, reserved, and shy but she enjoyed her company nonetheless.

They all stood on the edge of campus and said goodbye to each other.

"I hope to see you tomorrow," Heather said shyly as it was her turn to say goodbye.

Frida smiled with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"I am definitely seeing you guys tomorrow," Frida said with a smile.

They all smiled at each other. Everyone had gotten to know her well, and she clearly showed favoritism towards Heather, Astrid, and the twins.

A loud vroom sounded nearby and they all turned.

A big red and black car came driving toward them. It had something that looked like whiskers on the front and a sick tail fin at the back.

"It is a Monstrous Nightmare," Snotlout breathed.

Frida groaned loudly as the car stopped.

"Are you mad? These cars are super rare," Snotlout said incredulously.

Frida didn't answer and they all watched as a man walked out of the car with a suit and hat.

"Miss Frida, your father awaits you at home," he said.

They all started at Frida with big eyes.

"You are rich!?" Snotlout asked.

"My dad is," Frida said as the man came over to her. She handed him her backpack, the man took it and placed it in the trunk.

Frida then limped over to the car and the man opened the door. She quickly entered the car and the door was closed after her quickly after.

The chauffeur sat back down in the driver's seat and then they sped away.

They all stood there, dumbfounded. Frida hadn't looked rich. The grey sweater jacket and pants indicated nothing about her wealth. Nothing about her indicated anything about her wealth really.

"We have been spending the day with a stupidly rich girl," Ruffnut said. Tuffnut and Ruffnut's faces broke into wide grins

"Wicked," they both breathed out.

Heather just watched where the car had been. She really had no chance with this girl, her standards must be sky-high. She must expect some rich guy with his own business or something, not an orphan girl living with her brother.

"So are we going to have this party or...?" Snotlout asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

"I have to study for a test tomorrow," Astrid said.

"Which one?" Heather asked.

"History," Astrid answered.

"I have that one as well. Can I come to your place, I don't feel like going home to Dagur," she said.

Heather loved her brother to pieces and was so happy that they were together, but sometimes he could be a little too much. He had also recently had a pretty bad episode with his mental health and the doctors had told him he needed to be alone. And he was completely alone at their house either, he had both their dogs and their neighbors were very nice.

"Hi there."/(Modern HTTYD au. Heatherxfemoc)|(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now