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A/N: issa long boy!

Warning, you might cry.

Btw, I made a few drawings of Frida wrapped in a blanket, you can make up your own stories of what is happening if you want.

Frida had been doing a lot better. She was able to sit up without it hurting too much and they finally took a few of those wires off her.

Heather really enjoyed staying with Frida, and with her getting better every day, they would often cuddle and just talk for hours. They still avoided the topic of Frida only having one year left as it seemed she was doing much better and neither of them wanted to bring their spirits down.

Today, a few visitors were going to come. Heather had invited the twins since they missed Frida a lot, Blaze was also coming and so was Drago and his family. Frida didn't have anyone else she wanted to see except Shadow, but they wouldn't let him in.

"Are you excited to talk to someone else who isn't me?" Heather asked while leaning into Frida as she drew in her sketchbook.

"I am more than happy to have only you here. But yes, I am excited to see some more people. Especially Drago and the kids, and Ruby," Frida said and smiled before kissing Heather's head and continuing to draw. The drawing was slowly taking the shape of Heather. She was laying in something.

"Where are you drawing me?" Heather asked.

"In a meadow, I saw one in my sleep after I stabbed myself. I'm pretty sure it was the afterlife," Frida said.

Heather wanted to snort but realized way too quickly that it wasn't a joke.

"I don't know if I saw you or Freya, but whoever it was told me to go back." Frida's hand stilled and she looked at the paper with thoughtful eyes. "I wanted to leave. I wanted to die. I just wanted to let go and finally rest. But whoever it was there...-" She chuckled - "They would not let me stay there. Apparently, it wasn't my time and they wanted me to live out my life. They said that I should get married, get kids, a fancy house, treat my beautiful girlfriend." Frida sighed and leaned her head back, bringing Heather with her.

"I'm glad I listened, because I have no idea what I would have done if I stayed. I can't live without you and I am pretty sure you can't live without me," Frida concluded and looked at Heather with tears brimming her eyes.

"I won't. So thank you for not staying there," Heather said and kissed her cheek. "But just out of curiosity: what would you have done if Freya was still alive but you saw me?"

"Oh," Frida said and laughed. "I would beg Freya to also date you because I would have fallen head over heels. Freya was pretty open to a poly relationship. She brought it up when she saw how much time I was spending with Blaze, but I told her I was not interested. So she would be on board with it but then I would just try to convince you."

Heather nodded and hummed. She wasn't sure what she would have done. A polyamory relationship didn't seem bad at all if Frida was in it.

"What did Freya look like?" Heather asked.

Frida stayed silent for a while before she pulled out her phone, (from where Heather had no idea) and then showed Heather a picture. The picture showed a beautiful girl with warm, brown eyes, a small nose, a round face, long, shiny black hair, plump lips, and light skin.

"I would definitely be on board with being poly," Heather said as she looked at the beautiful girl.

There was suddenly a knock on the door and it opened soon after.

Both of the twins stumbled in with big smiles on their faces.

"Hey!" Tuffnut shouted and jogged over to the bed and hugged Frida.

"Hi there."/(Modern HTTYD au. Heatherxfemoc)|(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now