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TW: I guess intimate talk. (You'll understand when you read it.)

I think the song fits better to this chapter.

Another soft one. Hope you enjoy!

Heather woke up with a pounding headache.

She groaned and got out of bed, put on a hoodie and a pair of small shorts that barely covered anything.

Heather walked out of her room and down the stairs and into the kitchen. She got a glass of water and Advil.

When she walked out of the kitchen and into the living room, she nearly choked on her water when she saw Frida laying there.

Her cheek was smushed against the couch arm, her arms were dangling off the edge, and her leg was leaning against the sofa.

She looked cute.

Heather took the small moment to examine the tattoo on her left arm. It looked absolutely amazing. But her other arm, not so much. It was littered with scars.

Frida shifted a little and Heather moved away so she didn't scare her.

Frida turned around and stretched her arms above her head.

Heather felt wrong to watch her without her permission so she cleared her throat.

Frida stiffened and turned around.

"Didn't see you there," she said and hid her right arm so Heather wouldn't see it.

"I already saw it," Heather said and looked down. "I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just saw you here and I... I have no excuse."

"It is fine. I had to help you out of your clothes yesterday," Frida said.

Heather stiffened. She only remembered bits and pieces from yesterday. Had Frida done something to her while she was incapable of thinking for herself?

"I tried my best not to look, I promise, but then again I had to help you out of your old clothes and put on your new ones. I caught a few glimpses and touched a few places I probably shouldn't have touched. Sorry."

"It's completely fine. I don't mind at all. As long as that was all you did," Heather said and walked over to the couch.

"Don't worry, I would never do anything without your consent," Frida said and sat up. "Could you please turn around?"

Heather turned around and heard shuffling behind her. She could imagine Frida putting on her clothes.

"You can turn around."

Heather turned and saw Frida sitting on the bed with a big hoodie and sweatpants.

"Aren't you warm? I know it's cold but still," Heather said and sat down on the couch beside her.

"I am a little warm. But... I am not sure if I want to show you my arms yet," Frida said and rubbed her arms.

"I won't judge you, I promise. But right now, I need a nice big breakfast. My head is killing me," Heather said and stood up.

"You look good in those shorts by the way," Frida said.

Heather blushed. She knew those shorts weren't visible as they were hidden under her hoodie.

"Thanks," she said and walked into the kitchen. Heather decided she would make toast, eggs, and bacon.

"Do you need help?" Frida asked.

"No," Heather said and began to cut up the bacon. Again, two arms wrapped around her, and a kiss was placed on her neck. "Are you going to do this every time I make food?"

"Hi there."/(Modern HTTYD au. Heatherxfemoc)|(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now