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TW: gun, very bad insults, talk about suicide, grimmel, drugs, blood.

... I'm so sorry.

Frida POV:

Frida smiled lazily at Heather. She was incredibly happy that she wanted to be back together.

"I should maybe mention to you that I almost jumped off the bridge yesterday," Frida said. She didn't want to keep Heather in the dark anymore.

"What?" Heather said in a broken whisper.

"I was sad, and my dad had given me a heavy dose of the drug the day before so my head was a mess. I saw before that Freya, she was very mean and made me just want to end it. I also saw you and Blaze in that classroom and I kind of assumed the worst," Frida said and carefully looked up at Heather.

"First, that with Blaze was absolutely nothing, I promise. Second, I am so sorry you felt that way. Please, never think you aren't worth being here," Heather said and kissed her head before bringing her close to her.

Frida smiled before she got a coughing fit.

"Bucket," she managed to squeeze out as she continued to cough.

Heather handed her the bucket and Frida immediately threw up. She was sure she had thrown up all her intestines at this point and her throat burned.

"Shh, it's ok," Heather said and rubbed circles in her back while kissing her head, cheek, and ear.

Frida was finally done and she set the bucket aside.

"I'm wearing thin Heather," Frida mumbled as she leaned back into the sofa. "I don't know if I have much longer."

"Don't say that," Heather said and straddled her lap.

Frida looked at her with half-open eyes.

"You are the strongest woman ever. You are as strong and beautiful as fire. You will survive this," Heather said, but Frida could hear how her voice shook.

"I love you," Frida said with a smile and placed her hand over Heather's heart. "Keep my heart safe, will you?"

Heather's eyes spilled over and she hugged Frida tight.

"I'll keep it safe, and you will help me with that because you need to keep mine safe," Heather said and placed her hand over Frida's heart.

Frida smiled and nodded.

Heather got off her and sat down again. They talked a little and Frida felt amazing. She was so happy she could finally talk to Heather again. She had missed her a lot and this was amazing.

Frida suddenly heard something outside. It was a car.

"Heather, get into the kitchen and don't go out," Frida ordered and knew her eyes flashed purple.

"What is-?"

"Now!" Frida shouted as she heard the door creak.

Heather didn't wait anymore and ran into the kitchen.

Frida stayed on the sofa and listened as the steps got closer and closer.

"I imagined that you would go here. Just didn't think you would be this stupid to actually do it," Grimmel's low voice said as he came into the room, a black handgun in his hand.

Frida didn't say anything, she didn't want any trouble for Drago and Ruby.

"Where is that animal and his whore of a wife?"

Frida's eyes widened and she knew something bad was going to happen.

"Big words for a man like you Grimmel!" Drago said as he stormed out of the kitchen with Ruby desperately trying to hold him back.

Grimmel took Frida by her throat and put her in a choking hold while putting the gun to her temple. Bold of him to assume she had any regards for her life.

"Take one more step and I will put a bullet through her skull," Grimmel threatened. Frida could hear the smirk in his voice.

Frida looked over to Drago, then Ruby, and then her eyes found Heather. She was peeking out of the kitchen and Frida knew her father had seen her.

"Oh, so that is the girlfriend," Grimmel taunted and raised his gun.


It was too late.

Grimmel had pulled the trigger and Heather fell to the ground.

Frida screamed and fought against her father's hold put he fired a shot upwards to where Frida knew the twins were. There were a few screams before a pair of small footsteps we ended down the stairs.

"Mommy, what-?" Frida said but stopped as she saw Grimmel.

"Ahh, the whore's pup! Bet they are just like their mother," Grimmel taunted and fired a shot that grazed Frida's ear. Frida fell to the ground and held her ear which started to bleed.

"Don't you dare touch my children!" Drago said and came up to Grimmel and grabbed his collar, making him lose his grip on Frida. 

Pain shot through Frida's abdomen as another shot was fired.

"I know very well my daughter has no regard for her life, but I know you do. And that is the difference between us. Your family makes you weak Drago," Grimmel taunted him.

Drago looked at Frida and then back to Grimmel. Frida knew he wasn't going to do anything. He couldn't, especially not with Frida in the stairs.

"I'll go with him," Frida said as she pressed a hand to her abdomen. It hurt, a lot, and she could feel herself lose consciousness.

"No you are not, this man is going straight to prison," Drago said as he stared at Grimmel.

"Sure, but you are going to have to choose," Drago said and shot at the stairs again, hitting Frida's leg who screamed out in pain. Henry came down in no time and brought his sister to his chest. 

Drago immediately looked over at his daughter and then back at Grimmel.

"Blood, or mine?"

Drago looked at Frida one more time before he let go of Grimmel and ran over to Frida. Ruby was over with Heather and Frida prayed she was ok.

"Get up!" Grimmel said between clenched teeth. Frida carefully got up and felt the gun being pressed against her back. "Do as I say, or I will make sure your next suicide attempt will be successful."

Frida's eyes widened. He knew? Did he know about it all this time?

"If you do as I say, I might let you off the hook when we are done and you can live with that girl," Grimmel said.

This sent a small spark of hope in Frida's chest. Maybe she could survive this and spend a little time with Heather before all the drugs took her life.

That was... If Heather survived.

A/N: can I come out? Or are you guys going to shout at me?

Hope you are all taking care of yourselves both mentally and physically. Drink some water and eat some food that you like. Talk to someone you trust. Take a walk. Get some sleep.

If no one has said this to you yet: I am so proud of you!!!! You are doing amazing!!!! You are amazing!!!! Keep going!!!! You did it (in case you have done it)!!!!

Take some time off your day to do something you love, no matter how weird or boring or childish it might seem to other people. (Just please don't do anything illegal, or life-threatening).

Just so you know, there is at least one person out there that loves you. So stay for them. And maybe talk to them.

Hope you have a lovely day/night/evening.

Love you all my girls, guys, gays, and non-binary babes; black, white, or any other color; Christian, Muslim, atheist, or any other religion. All of you are loved here!!!!!❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖

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