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TW: blood, talk about death.

This is long.

Heather spent the next month by Frida's side. She would go to the hospital every morning, do some easy walking exercises, talk to Frida for hours and have her occasionally respond with either a small twitch and sometimes she would squeeze her hand, and then she would go home.

It wasn't the best way to spend her days, nor the healthiest but it was what she wanted to do and it made her happy.

Heather was currently walking around the room with her crutches. It was difficult but it was getting easier.

"You are doing great."

Heather turned and saw Frida having opened her eyes and smiling at her.

"Frida!" Heather shouted excitedly and got over to her as quickly as possible and hugged her as carefully as she could. Frida still hissed in pain but returned the hug to the best of her ability.

They parted and Heather placed both her hands on Frida's cheeks and rubbed her thumb over her scar.

"Hi there," Heathe whispered with a smile on her face.

"You say that all the time," Frida said while chuckling.

"Are you annoyed by it?" Heather asked and tilted her head slightly to the side while slowly inching closer to her face.

"Not at all," Frida whispered and carefully placed a hand on the back of Heather's head, bringing her down to connect their lips in a soft kiss.

Heather relaxed into the kiss. It felt so nice to finally kiss her, she hadn't done it in months. And it felt even more amazing than before.

The kiss was short, only a few seconds long, but Heather was sure it had lasted hours, and she wanted it to last longer. She never wanted to part from Frida ever again.

"I love you," Frida whispered.

"I love you too," Heather whispered back and kissed her forehead.

"Sorry to interrupt."

Heather and Frida both turned and saw Griselda walk in the door.

"But I really need to check you Frida and most likely change your bandages," Griselda said while smiling.

"Good day to you too," Frida said with a sarcastic tone to her voice. She was a lot like Blaze.

"Good afternoon. It's nice to see you finally awake and being able to talk to and kiss your girlfriend after leaving her without anything for almost three months," Griselda said as she began to check all the monitors around Frida.

"Three months?" Frida asked and looked over at Heather with a look that held both terror, sadness, and confusion.

"You were in that cage for at least 3 weeks, I wasn't allowed to visit you here for another three and you were asleep for 5 weeks," Heather said and hoped it would ease her worries.

"You have been spending time with your friends? Right?" Frida asked while Griselda began to take something out of a cabinet.

"The first month yes, but when I was allowed to visit you I have been staying here most of the time. Astrid would sometimes come by so I wasn't always alone," Heather said and carefully stroked Frida's hair.

"I am going to need you to sit up and lift your arms," Griselda said as she came back over.

"As if," Frida said and tried to lift her arms, only to have them fall back down on the bed with a low thump.

"Hi there."/(Modern HTTYD au. Heatherxfemoc)|(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now