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A/N: realized I didn't include this in the other chapter and decided to make a short one for you all.

The picture above is what Frida is drawing.

Frida POV:

Frida smiled as Heather sang in the kitchen while making food. She focused back on the drawing she was currently working on. Her father was probably expecting a lot of new designs by the time he came back.

Her phone suddenly vibrated on the table and she leaned over to take it. When she opened it up, she saw 2 missed calls from Drago, three from Ruby, and a text from each of them telling her to call them. So that was what she did.

She decided to call Ruby. It would be safer in case Heather asked who she was calling.

Ruby picked up almost immediately and Frida pulled the phone away from her ear at her frantic screaming.

"Why haven't you been answering our calls?! Why haven't you been contacting us?! Where are you?! How are you?! Are you ok?! Are you safe?! Are you hurt?! Have you been eating?!"

"Ruby, you are currently ruining my one good ear," Frida said, managing to stop Ruby in her rant.

"Sorry," Ruby said, sounding worried. "But are you ok?"

"Yes, I am currently with Heather in her house. Sorry, I didn't call you sooner but time seems to fly when I am with her," Frida said and continued to draw.

"Oh, that is wonderful to hear, and are you safe?"

"Yes, I am tip top. Never felt safer in my entire life."

"That is lovely, Snowflake. Last question: will you be able to come for new year's? The kids miss you, and they want to meet Heather."

"Um," Frida looked to where Heather was. "Would that be a good idea for Heather to come? I mean, she is friends with Haddock, she probably knows about... You know."

"Do you trust her?" Ruby asked, turning very serious.

"With my life," Frida said truthfully.

"Then yes, I believe she should come," Ruby said in a soft voice.

"Ok, I'll ask her and let you know. I'll definitely be coming though," Frida said with a smile.

"Ok-oh the kids want to say hello and bye to you," Ruby said with a laugh and handed the phone to one of the kids.

"Hello, Frida! Bye Frida!" Frida said before it was handed off to her brother who said the same thing.

"Hello, and goodbye," Frida said with a laugh.

The call was ended and Frida put her full attention to the drawing.

"What are you drawing?"

Frida turned and saw Heather sit down while placing a tray of food on the table.

"A dragon," Frida said and zoomed out so she could see the entire thing.

"That is a Razorwhip," Heather stated. "Wait here." She then ran up the stairs, leaving Frida very confused but she continued the drawing nonetheless.

Heather came down seconds later with a t-shirt in her hands that had a Razorwip on it.

"Your drawing style is the exact same," she stated while looking at her shirt then back at Frida's drawing.

"I hope they are because I design them," Frida said with a shy smile.

"You design these shirts?!" Heather shouted.

Frida flinched involuntarily at her loud tone.

"Sorry, sorry. But you really do? You?"

"Yes, it is my dad's company," Frida said and showed her the tag at the top.

"So, your dad is the owner of, "Death Grippers"? Like the scorpion?" Heather asked.

"Yes, they are his favorite animal," Frida said and tried to suppress a shiver as purple flashed before her eyes. "What is your favorite dragon in the series?" Frida asked, wanting to try away from the topic.

"This one," Heather said and pulled up the t-shirt again.

Frida nodded and pulled out her phone and took note of it.

"And what about the rest of the gang? Do they have any favorites?"

"Yes, but why do you need to know?" Heather asked while tilting her head.

Frida just shrugged with a small smile on her lips.

"It's Christmas soon. Isn't it?"

A/N: short, but it has a little context. Hope you liked it.

Hope you are all taking care of yourselves mentally and physically. Drink some water and eat something. Talk to someone you trust, whether that be a friend or someone in your family.

If no one has said this to you yet: I am so proud of you!!!! You are amazing!!!! Keep going!!!!

Take some time of your day to do something you genuinely enjoy doing. And don't feel guilty about doing it.

There is at least one person out there that loves you and loves that you stay here with them. So you just keep going.

Hope you have a wonderful day/night/evening.

You are all amazing and I love you so all my girls, guys, gays, and non-binary babes; black, white, or any other color; Christian, Muslim, atheist, or any other religion. All of you are loved here!!!!! Stay safe!!! 💖❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖❤

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