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A/N: I don't think this needs a trigger warning.

Heather POV:

"She what?!" Heather shouted into the phone.

"She stabbed herself and is bleeding a lot and is currently in the surgery room," Mala said from the other side in a very stressed voice.

"Why did she stab herself?!" Heather shouted frantically. She had just been in the middle of doing some walking exercises with her therapist and got the call that Frida was on her way to the hospital, dying!

"We don't know," Mala said. There was a little bit of silence before she continued. "The doctors are currently trying their best to keep her alive. It doesn't look very good to be completely honest. I'll call you back when they allow visitors or if she... Dies."

Heather was now sitting on the floor, her legs having grown ten times weaker from what she heard.

"Ok," Heather said in a shaky voice. "Thank you for telling me."

"No problem. And try not to worry too much. She is a strong girl and she will make it through this," Mala said before hanging up, though it didn't sound like she believed it.

Heather's hand fell to her side and she stared in front of her. Frida seemed to be doing so well the last time she saw her. She had so much joy and energy in her when they talked. What had brought her to do this?

"What was it?" Her therapist asked as she walked over.

"Frida... She..." Heather stammered.

"She what?" Her therapist asked as she sat down beside her.

"Stabbed herself," Heather breathed out, still looking out into nothing.

"What?" Her therapist asked and immediately brought Heather's face up to look at her. "Frida stabbed herself?"

Heather nodded while tears filled her eyes.

"That does sound like something she would do, but not without reason," the therapist said.

"How do you know, Agnes?" Heather asked.

"I used to care for her when she was still with her father. I have seen a lot of things that girl has gone through. Where did she stab herself?" Agnes asked.

"In the heart," Heather said and placed a hand over her own, rapidly beating one.

"That hasn't happened," Agnes mumbled and played with one of her long locks of black hair. "I think she will make it through. Though she hasn't had anything worse but definitely stuff that is up there. She should be fine if she gets the right treatment."

Heather nodded and looked down at her phone which was now switched off. She turned it on and was greeted with the sight of her and Frida in a photo together, smiling brightly.

Heather remembered when she took the photo. It was one of the days after school began and they had snuck off to a little tree where they had just talked and cuddled together. Heather wanted to take a picture of them and Frida had happily agreed to be the selfie stick as her arms were longer. They had laughed after that and spent a few more minutes together before Frida was picked up by Grimmel.

Everything was so much more peaceful then. Though Heather was now happy she knew about everything she also wished she never knew.

"I say we are done for today. Get home and rest," Agnes said and helped Heather over to her wheelchair.

* * *

Heather shivered as her phone rang. It was Mala. After 3 weeks she finally called.

"Hi there."/(Modern HTTYD au. Heatherxfemoc)|(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now