A nickname already?

184 8 18

TW: swearing, talk about sex, Grimmel (mentioned slightly), and Soren.

Heather waited outside her house. Blaze told her he was going to pick her up.

Heather was surprised she didn't hate him more now that she knew him and Frida had actually done it. But she understood that neither of them had wanted to and she decided to just forget it. No use holding onto it.

Heather looked up when she heard a honk.

"Hop in, I know Frida will come today and I want to be able to make sure she is ok," Blaze said out of his open window.

Heather smiled and ran over to the car and jumped in.

"Who gave you this car by the way?" She asked when she was buckled in.

"My mom convinced my dad to buy me one. Frida also helped with the money," he said and began driving.

"So your parents are also rich?" She asked.

"My dad is a businessman, a very well-known one at that. The only problem is that not all he does is... Legal," he gave her a look and Heather nodded.

"I won't judge you because of your family. You seem like a good guy," she said with a smile. "What about Frida's dad?"

"He doesn't do that much legal business either, but it isn't illegal."

"What does that mean?"

"If you knew what he was doing - his main business - you would not think it was legal, but there are no laws against what he does. He sneaks around them so if anyone accuses him, he can say that it is not illegal, which is why Frida is still with him," he said and stopped at a red light.

"What other stuff does he do?" Heather asked.

"Designer, for clothes. Frida designs most of the stuff and then he puts it on clothing. She designed her own tattoo," he said and began driving again.

"So she does have a tattoo," Heather said with a smile. She was going to ask if she could see it. Probably on their second date.

"Yeah, it's this huge-"

"Shush!" Heather shouted and placed a finger to his lips. "I want to ask her about it."

"As you wish," Blaze said. "By the way, how are you with nicknames?"

"Never been called them except by my brother, and then they are just sister related. Why?" Heather asked while tilting her head.

"She might begin to call you some nicknames, she really likes to do that. I am Blazy, Shadow is 'bud' or 'weird dog'. Considering you two are dating she will most likely give you a nickname."

Heather smiled. She didn't mind nicknames at all, as long as they didn't become weird or inappropriate.

"We're here," Blaze said as he parked the car.

Heather got out and began to look for the only person she wanted to see, without much luck. 

"She's right there," Blaze said and pointed at a big, black van.

Heather turned and saw the red-haired woman from yesterday. She began walking over to them and caught a little bit of their conversation.

"If you feel bad just talk to Blaze," the red-haired woman said.

"I know Ruby," Frida said. She sounded very tired.

"Hi," Heather said shyly and walked up to them. She was able to see Frida clearly now. She had dark circles under her eyes and looked paler than normal.

"Hi there."/(Modern HTTYD au. Heatherxfemoc)|(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now