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TW: talk about alcohol, sex, abuse, and manipulation.

Heather never realized how difficult it was being mad at her friends and brother for such a long period of time. Sure, they were all being jerks, but it was boring to be in her room all day and just be mad.

"C'mon Heather, stop holding a grudge to them," Heather told herself while slapping her cheeks.

She took a deep breath and opened her phone. Then she dialed Astrid's number and waited for her to pick up.

"Hello," Astrid said in an annoyed tone.

"Hi, Astrid," Heather said in a shy voice.

"Hi, Heather. What did you want?" Astrid asked, she didn't sound mad.

"Can you maybe get the gang together and we can all go to a restaurant. I want to talk," Heather said.

"You want to go to a public space so Hiccup and the rest of us won't yell at you," Astrid said, it wasn't a question.

"Yes," Heather said ashamed of what she was doing, but she didn't want to be yelled at again.

"Sure. I'll pick you up so we can all meet at 'The dragon's edge' in three hours," Astrid said before hanging up.

"Bye?" Heather said and put her phone away.

After a little thinking, Heather decided to pick up her phone again and text Frida.

Heather: how are you?

She knew she wouldn't get an answer right away so she decided to go downstairs to talk to Dagur.

"Dagur?" She said once she entered the living room.

"Hey, sis," he said and looked up from a crossword puzzle he was doing.

"I wanted to apologize for ignoring you these last few days," she said and twiddled with her fingers.

"It's ok. I know how you need your personal space after someone upsets you. It's ok," he said and motioned for her to sit down. "By the way, since we are talking, I am going on a trip soon."

"Really, where?" Heather asked. He never got out of the house.

"Can't tell you, but I will probably be gone until after Christmas, so you will probably have to stay with Hiccup for Christmas. You will have the house to yourself, but no parties, no alcohol, and no unprotected sex," he said with a stern look.

"When are you leaving?" Heather asked.

"That hype about getting the house to yourself? I'm hurt," he said while placing a hand on his chest, mock-hurt. Heather laughed at him. "I'll be leaving December 5th."

"You'll be gone for that long?" Heather asked scared. She didn't want to be left alone for that long.

"I know it is a long time by yourself. Believe me when I say I asked not to go on this trip. But I have to. You can invite anyone you want, Astrid, Hiccup, Frida, (if you invite Frida you have to do it in your bed and keep out of mine), and anyone else you want."

Heather blushed at his comment but nodded her head.

"I love you," Dagur said and kissed her head.

"Love you too," Heather said with a smile.

Heather felt her phone buzz in her pocket and quickly took it out.

Frida: better. My head still hurts. How are you?

Heather smiled at the text and quickly sent her brother a look before she walked up the stairs to her room.

"Hi there."/(Modern HTTYD au. Heatherxfemoc)|(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now