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Heather held Frida's hand tightly as they stop in front of Hiccup's house. She could see how terrified the girl was. Her hand shaking in her own, her jaw clenched, and the way her eyes stared straight ahead, a mask with no emotion covering her beautiful face.

"It's going to be fine," Heather said and kisses her jaw.

"I know," Frida said with a nod.

"Just take a deep breath," Heather said and placed a hand on her cheek. She saw Frida take a deep breath, in and out. "Ready?"

"Not at all, but I have to do it," Frida said and lifted a hand to ring the doorbell.

They waited for a few seconds before the door opened to reveal Valka.

"Hello, Valka," Heather said and hugged the woman.

"Hello, Heather! We have been waiting!" Valka said and hugged her back.

Heather pulled away and took Frida's hand again.

"This is Frida," Heather said.

"Oh, I remember. Frida Grisly," Valka said and opened her arms for a hug while Frida pulled out her hand.

"Yes, a pleasure to meet you," Frida said in a far too normal voice, with no trace of her accent.

"Oh, very formal, a pleasure to meet you too," Valka said and took her hand. "But no need to be this formal in our home."

Heather could see how Frida's shoulders relaxed a little as well as her jaw.

"Thank you," Frida said with the hint of a smile ghosting her lips.

"Come in, both of you," Valka said and opened the door wider for them to come in.

Heather stepped in with Frida trailing closely behind, their hands still tightly clasped together. She took off her jacket and took Frida's before hanging them up and taking her hand again.

Hiccup's house was huge, it looked more like a castle on the inside, and outside for that matter. Perks of his father being mayor Heather thought.

"Who is this?"

Heather turned when Frida's hands left hers and saw her crouched down in from of a black cat.

"That is Hiccup's cat, Toothless," Valka said.

"Toothless?" Frida chuckled.

"We received him as a kitten and his teeth took a long time to kick in," Valka explained.

Frida nodded and brought her attention back to the cat.

"Hello," she said in a baby voice. "You are so cute, you know that?" She let him sniff her hand and he leaned his head into it. "Aw, you are adorable." Frida picked him up and kissed his head while holding him tight against her chest. "I lowe you."

"I feel like you just replaced me with a cat that you met three seconds ago," Heather said while crossing her arms, feeling a little pang of jealousy as Frida said her last sentence. She wasn't jealous of the cat, it was an animal!

"Oh, don't worry," Frida said and continued to shower Toothless with kisses. Toothless looked like a small kitten in Frida's arms.

"Mom! Who was it?!"

Heather looked up and saw Hiccup come running down the stairs.

"Heather!" He shouted and ran up to her, giving her a tight hug. "You came!"

Heather hugged him back but saw Frida putting Toothless down and crossing her arms, giving Hiccup a dark look.

"Of course," Heather said and pushed away from the boy who was holding her way too tightly. She walked over to Frida and gave her a peck on the lips before taking one of her hands, bringing it down.

"Hi there."/(Modern HTTYD au. Heatherxfemoc)|(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now