A month after

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TW: swearing.

This is a short one.

This hurts me just as much as you guys.

It had been a month and no news from Griselda.

Heather was constantly checking up on Frida from a distance and she looked worse every day. Her hair was getting longer, something Heather would be happy about if they were still together, but she wasn't. Her hair was not fluffy and the pretty white color, it was more grey and straight. It looked unhealthy, just like her. It didn't look like she had eaten anything the entire month, neither did it look like she had slept.

Heather constantly wanted to go over and check on her, but one of her friends would pull her away and give her a disapproving look. And she would just fucking comply with them like a puppy!

Today, Frida was basically using Blaze as her crutch. It didn't look like she had gotten any food or water or anything in the past weeks. Did their break really hurt her that much?

Heather desperately wanted to apologize to her and tell her to get back together. She was ready to get on her knees and beg for forgives at this point.

"You can't go to her," Astrid said and pulled her back by her wrist. "We haven't heard anything from Griselda yet and I don't want you to get hurt."

"At this point, she could break my arm and I would still apologize for slapping her!" Heather said and ripped her wrist out of Astrid's grip.

"And that is the problem," Astrid said and took her arm instead. "I won't let you get hurt."

Heather scoffed and ripped her hand away and looked over at Frida. She was glancing over at her and Heather gave her a soft smile. There was hope in her eyes for a moment before Astrid pulled Heather away.

"I hate all of you right now," Heather muttered and looked back at Frida, only to find an empty spot where she stood.

* * *

Heather walked through the halls alone, hoping to catch a glimpse of Frida, with no luck.

Heather leaned against the wall and pinched the bridge or her nose while screwing her eyes shut.

This was all her fault. She should have just stayed out of it and enjoyed the time she had with her. If what Griselda said about how most of the other people having taken the drug dying, there was no way Frida would have long, or if she would even survive.

Heather banged her head against the wall so the thought would leave her mind. Frida was strong, she would survive and she would be able to come back to her.

Heather suddenly felt her arm being pulled and suddenly she was roughly pressed against the wall of an empty classroom.

"What do you think you are doing?!" Blaze's angry voice echoed through the empty room. "Frida was already hanging on by a thread as it was and you just made that thread 100 times thinner by that stupid thing you decided to do! How could you do that to her?!"

Heather looked into his deep, brown eyes and saw so much hurt and concern in them. Probably concern for Frida and hurt with the fact that Tuffnut wasn't speaking to him anymore.

Heather burst into tears and hugged him tightly, not caring at all about the consequences that might follow.

"Hey, shh," Blaze said and let his hand glide through her hair.

It marbled Heather how quickly his mood changed from protective brother to caring best friend.

"I am so sorry! We found out about the project and Griselda told me I should distance myself from her-" Heather swallowed- "I didn't want to do it, I swear! I wanted nothing more than to tell her I knew and to comfort her! I want to get back together! I want to say I am sorry!"

Heather cried into his chest as her knees gave out and they both slid to the floor.

"Relax Heather, please," Blaze said in a soft voice as he ran a hand through her hair.

Heather tried to focus on her breathing and relax, just like she did when she had panic attacks when she was younger.

After a few minutes, she calmed down and slumped against Blaze. She was exhausted from all the crying and worrying.

"I want to get her back. I want nothing more in the whole world. She is my world," Heather said and looked up at Blaze.

"You should really wait," Blaze said and sat against the wall while placing Heather in his lap. "I really want you to get back together, but since you know, it is better that you stay away from her. She will push you away if she finds out you know, to protect you."

Heather looked up at him and sighed. She knew he was right. Frida would try and push her away to protect her if she ever found out she knew.

Heather heard the door creak and she lazily lifted her head.

The only thing she saw was a glance of a prosthetic leg.

A/N: well, the plot thickens.

It will just get worse from here guys, I am so incredibly sorry.

If you have any questions or want to shout at me about how much therapy is going to cost you can do it right here👉

Hope you are all taking care of yourselves both mentally and physically. Drink some water and eat some food that you like. Talk to someone you trust. Take a walk. Get some sleep.

If no one has said this to you yet: I am so proud of you!!!! You are doing amazing!!!! You are amazing!!!! Keep going!!!! You did it (in case you have done it)!!!!

Take some time off your day to do something you love, no matter how weird or boring or childish it might seem to other people. (Just please don't do anything illegal, or life-threatening).

Just so you know, there is at least one person out there that loves you. So stay for them. And maybe talk to them.

Hope you have a lovely day/night/evening.

Love you all my girls, guys, gays, and non-binary babes; black, white, or any other color; Christian, Muslim, atheist, or any other religion. All of you are loved here!!!!!❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖

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