Both in mind and heart

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TW: this gets a little disturbing.

That is also why I leave you with no image.

Frida POV:

It was nice to have Heather around often. Frida had refused to let them be in the same room but she didn't say no to talking to her through bulletproof glass.

Heather said she was getting much better and was almost able to walk but she still needed heavy support from crutches. 

Heather wasn't coming today, and Frida knew this. She had a life of her own and she was trying to recover from the shot. Frida wasn't going to hold it against her and encouraged her to spend time with her family and friends even though Heather said she would rather spend her time with Frida. 

Frida sat against the wall with her eyes closed. While she was doing a lot better with recovering from the venom, it was only getting worse. The more she pushed it down, the worse it got when it resurfaced.

"You are pathetic," a snake-like voice whispered in her ear.

"Shut up," Frida said shortly but she knew her alter ego wouldn't go away. It had appeared when she got better at blocking it, but it showed itself more and more.

"You know we could get out of here at any moment, right?" It mocked.

"Well, we aren't. We are waiting patiently here until you cease to exist," Frida said and tried to block it out.

"You will never be rid of me," the voice said and Frida shivered when she almost felt a light breeze on her ear. "I will always be here. And your dear friends will be crushed by me, but it will all be your doing."

"Shut up!" Frida shouted and tried to punch the voice but ended up only punching air.

Frida opened her eyes when a sound came from the wall. A small, dark grey, plastic tray slid in with some food and utensils on it.

"Thanks," Frida said and picked up the food and began to slowly eat the food. It tasted like nothing but it was something. Heather had encouraged her to eat and Frida was willing to do it since it made Heather relax.

"Just imagine, one day, that dear girlfriend of yours won't be able to eat," the voice said way too excitedly. "You know why?!"

"Because you will ki..."

"Because we will kill her," the voice let out a cackling laugh that sent shivers down Frida's spine. "Oh, this is fun! The best part is you can't get rid of me no matter how hard you try! I will always be with you. Both in mind and heart."

Frida's eyes widened and she looked around, almost expecting to catch a glimpse of her drugged half.

"What did you say?" Frida whispered.

"Oh my gosh! You really are stupid! I said you will never get rid of me! I'll be with you always and forever!" The voice seed to travel around the room one moment it was right next to Frida's ear, the next it was way over in a corner. "I'll make sure to kill every one of those you care about and have you watch while you can't do anything! It will be like Freya all over again. You won't be able to do anything!"

The voice went on to laugh but Frida's mind went back to what it had said.

'Both in mind and heart.'

It made sense. The drug was injected in a way it traveled with her bloodstream. Her heart, and mind.

It all clicked.

Frida knew what she had to do.

Frida looked over at the now empty tray she had placed down and picked it up and broke it, creating two sharp pieces. She walked over to the two-way mirror and cut into her hand, making blood begin to ooze out of the wound. She swiftly wrote 'heart and mind' in blood on the glass and stepped back.

Frida looked down at one of the pieces of the tray and broke it again, leaving her with a long, sharp shard of plastic.

"What are you doing?" The voice taunted as Frida slowly placed the sharp plastic against her chest where her heart thudded loudly in her chest, threatening to break free. "You won't be rid of me like that." Frida heard the fear in its voice. "You promised that whore of a girlfriend that you wouldn't try to kill yourself."

"I am not killing myself," Frida said and she felt her eyes turn purple and she saw her drugged ego in the reflection of the mirror.

It was tall, matted grey hair, glowing purple eyes with no sign of white or a pupil. Its body was thin and malnourished, the skin a sickly grey color; you could almost see its bones. And the sneer on its lips showed a messy row of sharp teeth.

Frida looked at it and sneered; it sneered right back at her.

"I'm killing you."

And with that, Frida drove the plastic piece into her chest as far as it would go.

The voice screamed and the body slowly evaporated as it tried to reach out for her hand, but it disappeared before it could reach.

Frida looked down at her hands and saw a combination of red and purple drenching her hands.

Everything was spinning.

Was there an earthquake?

Frida began to lose her balance and fell to the floor but felt someone catch her.

"Frida!" Someone shouted, but it sounded like they were underwater, or on the other side of a thick glass. "You will be fine. You will be just fine," the same vice tried to reassure her but Frida knew it was hopeless.

"Heather," Frida whispered before finally losing consciousness.

It was actually quite nice. Floating around in nothing. No pain, no fear, no stress.

But also...

No Heather...




A/N: ooo! What happened?

I am so tempted to leave you all with this and not post for a week. But we all know I can't do that so... We'll see.

Feel worse than yesterday, yayy!!
So sorry if this is a little bad.

Hope you are all taking care of yourselves both mentally and physically. Drink some water and eat some food that you like. Talk to someone you trust. Take a walk. Get some sleep.

If no one has said this to you yet: I am so proud of you!!!! You are doing amazing!!!! You are amazing!!!! Keep going!!!! You did it (in case you have done it)!!!!

Take some time off your day to do something you love, no matter how weird or boring or childish it might seem to other people. (Just please don't do anything illegal, or life-threatening).

Just so you know, there is at least one person out there that loves you. So stay for them. And maybe talk to them.

Hope you have a lovely day/night/evening.

Love you all my girls, guys, gays, and non-binary babes; black, white, or any other color; Christian, Muslim, atheist, or any other religion. All of you are loved here!!!!!❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖

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