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A/N: just fluff here. Gets a little steamy but mostly just fluff.

Heather slowly opened her eyes and stretched out.

"Good morning," Frida said while brushing some hair out of her face.

"Good morning," Heather said and looked at her. "Happy holidays."

"To you too," Frida said and kissed her forehead. "Before we go down to the others I wanted to give you the presents I don't want the others to see."

"Oh," Heather blushed a little but sat up in the bed, her legs covered by the duvet. She could see how Frida's eyes trailed down her bare chest.

"Ok, so, the first one is this," Frida said and sat up. She gave Heather a soft kiss before she pulled away.

"You have given me this every day for the past month," Heather pointed out.

"That was not the present," Frida said. Heather opened her eyes and looked at her, she looked incredibly nervous. "Ok, here it goes... I... Love you, Heather."

Heather stared at her, a smile slowly making its way to her lips.

"Say it again," she said.

"I love you," Frida said, with no hesitation this time.

"I love you too," Heather said and kissed her again, just not as soft as Frida had.

"I want to give you the second one," Frida said once she was finally able to break free.

Heather stopped her kissing and looked at her.

"Well, technically you already have it. I wanted to give you my heart, but you stole that the first time I ever saw you. And you can keep it," Frida said and placed a hand over Heather's heart. "You are the only thing keeping my heart beating Heather."

Heather smiled at her, tears in her eyes.

"Now the last one. I am ready to take the next step with you. So whenever you are ready, and whenever you want to, just know that I am ready."

Heather chuckled but nodded.

"These have to be the best gifts I have ever received from someone," she said and gave Frida a soft kiss. "I love you so much."

"If you keep saying it you might get tired of it," Frida said.

"Never going to happen," Heather said and kissed her. "I love you." She kissed her again. "I love you." Again. "I." Kiss. "Love." Kiss. "You."

"I love you too," Frida said and dived in again.

Heather ran her tongue along her bottom lip and Frida granted her access immediately. Heather eventually pushed Frida to lay on her back, never once separating their lips.

Frida's hands traveled down to Heather's shorts. She hooked her thumbs at the hems and Heather was more than ready to continue.

But just as Heather started to lift herself up so Frida could take them off, the door flew open.

Heather immediately grabbed a blanket and covered her and Frida with it.

"Have you heard of knocking?!" Heather shouted.

"I did knock! 10 times!" Astrid shouted.

"Well, get out!" Heather said and Astrid reluctantly walked out.

"Get down, we are opening presents!" Astrid shouted at them.

"I already got mine," Heather said and smiled down at Frida.

"Me too, but come on, we don't want to keep the angry blondie waiting."

A/N: short but sweet. I really like it. Tomorrow I will post a one-shot and a chapter (hopefully).

Happy holidays everyone, whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or anything at all, or nothing at all. I hope you have a wonderful time with your family.

Hope you are all taking care of yourselves both mentally and physically. Drink some water and eat some food that you like. Talk to someone you trust. Take a walk. Get some sleep.

If no one has said this to you yet: I am so proud of you!!!! You are doing amazing!!!! You are amazing!!!! Keep going!!!! You did it (in case you have done it)!!!!

Take some time off your day to do something you love, no matter how weird or boring or childish it might seem to other people. (Just please don't do anything illegal, or life-threatening).

Just so you know, there is at least one person out there that loves you. So stay for them. And maybe talk to them.

Hope you have a lovely day/night/evening.

Love you all my girls, guys, gays, and non-binary babes; black, white, or any other color; Christian, Muslim, atheist, or any other religion. All of you are loved here!!!!!❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖

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