
97 3 12

TW: blood, drugs, and swearing.

This is short.

This gets bad guys.

Grimmel dragged Frida into the building by the neck.

"You lie to me! You go against my wishes! I try my best to be a good father and this is what you give me in return!?" He shouted at her.

Frida didn't answer she knew it would only bring more pain and consequences if she did. Not that she could form a coherent sentence with her side bleeding and pounding in pain.

Grimmel pushed her into the elevator and pressed the last button.

"You aren't getting out of this one," he said as the elevator began to go down.

Frida just stared at the ground, she knew this wasn't going to end well. But at that moment, she could only think about how Heather was most likely dead, and Frida as well if she wasn't in the hospital by now. Poor Henry had to see his sister get shot twice. And poor Ruby, all this stress couldn't be good for her.

Frida hoped they were all ok.

The elevator finally stopped and Grimmel dragged her out of it.

"Make the test ready," he told Griselda and Chaghatai, as he passed them.

"Now?" Griselda asked. "It isn't ready. And she can certainly not do anything in her state! She'll die!"

"For once I don't care," Grimmel said and pulled Frida into the room full of big glass barrels of purple liquid. He dragged her over to a chair and strapped her to it by her ankles and wrists. He then walked out and pressed a button that caused a glass shield to lower itself and surround her. He then walked away, leaving Frida in the chair.

Frida desperately tried to get out as he walked away, but it was of no use. She began to hyperventilate as the machine injected her with the all too known venom.

As always, it hurt like hell and she screamed to the top of her lungs. But unlike the other times, the pain didn't stop. She felt another piercing pain on the other side of her neck and screamed again.

Her throat burned, her head hurt, her wrists ached at how much she pulled at the restraints. She felt the strange substance flow through her, burning her body as it went.

She felt droll run down her chin and she banged her head against the metal chair. Her blood burned painfully in her veins and tears streamed freely down her cheeks.

Another blood-curdling scream ripped through her soar throat and her eyes shot open. The terrifying feeling of losing control to something - someone - else began to take over.

She tried to fight it, but that just earned her another prick in the neck.

Droll ran from her mouth like a waterfall. But when she opened her eyes to look, she only saw a small dam of purple liquid and blood.

Another prick in her neck and she couldn't fight it anymore.

She closed her eyes... And lost control.

The last thing she remembered was the light shutting off and the restrains opening.

A/N: hi, anyone there? Are you all ok?

Hope you are all taking care of yourselves both mentally and physically. Drink some water and eat some food that you like. Talk to someone you trust. Take a walk. Get some sleep.

If no one has said this to you yet: I am so proud of you!!!! You are doing amazing!!!! You are amazing!!!! Keep going!!!! You did it (in case you have done it)!!!!

Take some time off your day to do something you love, no matter how weird or boring or childish it might seem to other people. (Just please don't do anything illegal, or life-threatening).

Just so you know, there is at least one person out there that loves you. So stay for them. And maybe talk to them.

Hope you have a lovely day/night/evening.

Love you all my girls, guys, gays, and non-binary babes; black, white, or any other color; Christian, Muslim, atheist, or any other religion. All of you are loved here!!!!!❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖

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