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TW: may experience cuteness overload.

The image above is what Heather's ring looks like, just imagine it as a Razorwhip, with the legs and green eyes.

Heather helped Frida down the stairs. She had convinced her to leave her metal leg upstairs and to just relax.

Frida was wearing a hoodie and sweat pants, and Heather was wearing a t-shirt and small shorts. She was mainly wearing it as an excuse to wrap both her and Frida in a blanket.

"There you are!"

Heather looked up and saw the gang all sitting in the living room, the tree to the side with all the presents under it.

"You took your time," Hiccup said.

"You know what a heavy sleeper I am," Heather said and helped Frida sit down in the armchair. She got a blanket and then sat down in her lap while wrapping the blanket around herself.

"Ok, shall we begin?" Tuffnut said enthusiastically.

"Yes!" Most of the gang said.

"I'll pick the first one," Hiccup said and walked over to the tree and grabbed a present. "This one says, "to Frida, from Valka and Stoick"?"

Heather turned so she could see Frida's reaction. Her brows were furrowed as she leaned over and took the present Hiccup handed her.

Frida carefully tore the paper to reveal a knitted Christmas sweater.

"But...?" Frida asked as she looked it over. It had small dragon patterns all over it, and it was the classic Christmas colors (green, red, and white), plus a bit of blue.

"Do you like it?" Valka asked.

Frida stared at the sweater for a little longer.

"When I realized you were coming I started to make it, and after realizing you liked dragons I decided to make it a little more to your liking," Valka continued.

Frida still didn't say anything, she just stared at the sweater.

"Love?" Heather asked.

Frida looked at her and she could see tears in her eyes.

"Sorry, I... I," Frida tried.

"Do you not like it?" Valka asked, a hint of hurt in her tone which Frida seemed to detect immediately.

"No! No, I love it. I just... Don't know why you would do that," Frida said and looked up at them.

"Why not?" Valka said.

"Thank you," Frida said and looked at the sweater again. "Can I put this on now?"

"Of course," Valka said with a big grin on her face.

Frida carefully began to take her hoodie off, with Heather's help. When it was off, she made sure to hide her bare arm behind Heather, while her tattooed one was on full display.

"Wow, that is one sick tattoo!" Tuffnut said and stood up from the ground and walked over.

"Thanks," Frida said and put on the sweater. It fit perfectly.

"Ok, I'll pick the next one!" Tuffnut said and picked up a gift.

This continued for a while, Heather got a few gifts from the gang, and the gang got a few gifts from her. Frida hadn't gotten a gift from any of the gang, but she seemed content to just cuddle with Heather and be happy for her when she got a gift.

Eventually, Sofia went over to the tree and got out a gift.

"This says, "from Frida to Hiccup"," she said and handed the big box to Hiccup.

"Hi there."/(Modern HTTYD au. Heatherxfemoc)|(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now