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TW: blood, death, abuse, swearing.

So... Does any of you remember that I said I would post a nice chapter today?

I lied.

There will be a sweet chapter tomorrow though.

(I hope).

There was fire everywhere.

Buildings were crumbled to pieces.

People were screaming.

Frida tried her best to think past the pain shooting through her leg, or rather the lack of one.

She was covered in her own blood from head to toe after the giant piece of metal had crashed down on her leg, cutting it right off.

A bark ripped through the air and she lazily looked up.

Shadow was running towards her as quickly as he could while barking loudly. He eventually saw her and began to lick her face.

"Good boy," she whispered and took a hold of his fur and hoisted herself upon him and laid over his back. He began to walk around until he suddenly stopped.

Frida looked over his head and saw to her horror, someone that looked like her mother squished under a piece of a house.

Frida jumped off Shadow once he was close to her and crawled over to her.

"Mom?" Frida asked once she reached the woman. She tapped her on the shoulder but didn't get a response. Frida moved her head to the side and tears flowed from her face when she realized it really was her mother.

Frida hugged the lifeless body and cried her eyes out.

Shadow barked at her impatiently and she kissed her mother's head before hoisting herself up on her dog again.

They walked for a while before Frida heard a voice.


Frida turned and saw Freya running towards her.

Frida carefully got off Shadow and was immediately enveloped in a hug by the shorter woman.

"I'm scared," Freya said and cried into Frida's shoulder.

"It's ok. We'll get through this. I promise," Frida said and hugged her back. "I love you."

"I love you too," Freya said and hugged her tighter. "What happened to your leg?"

Frida looked down.

"Nothing you need to worry about right now," Frida said and gave Freya a small, reassuring, kiss.

They stayed where they were for a while, hoping that they were safe. That was before, Frida heard a gunshot.

She didn't manage to do anything, her mind was dazed and her muscles were weak. She didn't even register Freya having jumped in front of her before she heard a second gunshot and saw Freya falling to the ground.

Frida fell to the ground and caught Freya in her arms and held her close.

"Freya! Freya, please!" Frida shouted as she shook the girl.

"It's cold," Freya said.

"We are sitting in snow, no wonder why," Frida said and moved Freya closer to her.

The snow underneath them both slowly began to turn into a dark crimson color.

"I'm sorry," Freya said before her eyes glazed over and her head lulled back.

"No, no, no, no," Frida said and rocked back and forth.

"No need to cry, child. A new era is opening up," a chilling voice said.

Something struck Frida in the neck and that was the last thing she registered before her world went blank.

Frida shot up in the bed. Cold sweat covered her body. She breathed heavily, trying to calm herself down.

After a few minutes, she finally calmed down, only to begin crying.

She hated this day, it was always the same. Nightmare, flash of memories, staying in bed the whole day, and other depressing shit.

Frida looked at Heather's sleeping form beside her. She didn't look bothered by Frida's sudden awakening, which calmed Frida.

Frida considered going back to the bridge and not telling Blaze or Heather about it.

But one more glance at the sleeping beauty beside her and she changed her mind.

Frida laid back down, her back facing Heather so she wouldn't suspect anything if she woke up.

She wasn't going back to sleep after the nightmare. So she oped on trying to remember the good parts of her life back in Russia.

An image of a smiling Freya came to mind. She was laying under Frida. Frida clearly remembered her long hair back then, and the luxury of having all limbs intact.

She remembered that day. Freya had just wanted to play fight in the bed and Frida had eventually pinned her to it. They had both laughed until their stomachs ached and cuddled for hours afterward.

Frida missed that. Frida missed being innocent to her father's treatment. Sure, he still beat her, but he didn't do... What he did now.

Frida pushed those thoughts away and focused on the happy ones, tears slowly falling from her eyes.

She missed them.

A/N: I promise to post a less depressing chapter tomorrow, just thought this could be good for some context and backstory.

I so want a drawing of a happy Frida without her scars, short hair, and metal leg. Just happy Frida with long hair and all of her limbs. (If anyone knows any good artists, could you please tag them?)

What are your theories up until now?

Do you have any questions?

If so, comment them, I would be happy to answer.

Hope you are all taking care of yourselves both mentally and physically. Drink some water and eat some food that you like. Talk to someone you trust. Take a walk. Get some sleep.

If no one has said this to you yet: I am so proud of you!!!! You are doing amazing!!!! You are amazing!!!! Keep going!!!! You did it (in case you have done it)!!!!

Take some time off your day to do something you love, no matter how weird or boring or childish it might seem to other people. Just make sure you enjoy it and that you can relax to some extent while doing it. (Just please don't do anything illegal, or life-threatening).

Just so you know, there is at least one person out there that loves you. So stay for them. And maybe talk to them.

Hope you have a lovely day/night/evening.

Love you all my girls, guys, gays, and non-binary babes; black, white, or any other color; Christian, Muslim, atheist, or any other religion. All of you are loved here!!!!!❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖

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