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TW: talk about suicide, drugs, swearing.

Heather POV:

Heather was nervous. She had barely spoken to Frida before she got caught and Frida had most likely seen her get shot.

Heather shivered as she remembered the scream that Frida let out after she got shot.

Did Frida know she was alive?

"Ok, just a little more and we will be there," Mala said and turned back to give them all a small smile.

Heather smiled and looked up at Astrid.

"Lucky you that don't have to walk," Astrid said but smiled down at Heather.

The doctors had told Heather to use a wheelchair. Why? Heather had no idea. Something about a part of her brain being damaged after she got shot and hit her head. Heather had to admit that standing was noticeably difficult and walking was barely possible, so she wasn't going to complain when they told her to take it easy. The doctors also reassured her that she would be able to walk normally again if she did a few exercises daily.

They eventually stopped at a door that Mala opened and let them in.

In the room, there were four people with white robes sitting in front of a long, metal desk with monitors and a huge window in front of them that showed a big, white room with padded walls. What caught Heather's attention was the figure pressed against the wall, showing their middle finger against it and making sure to show it to all the people in white robes.


Heather had to refrain from laughing as it did seem like something Frida would do. But the scary part was the evil look in her eyes. And, of course, her eyes were that awful purple. Heather was pretty sure that purple would scar her for life and that she would never want to see the color again after all this.

"Well, there she is," Mala said.

"Have you tried to get the drug out?" Drago asked. He had come alone as he didn't want his kids or Ruby to see Frida if she was in some awful state. Which she was.

"We haven't been able to contain her in one place for that long," Mala said and crossed her arms as she walked over to one of the people in white robes.

"Fuck you!" Frida said from inside the glass and banged her first against it, causing blood to splatter on the glass.

"Does she see us?" Astrid asked and placed her hands on Heather's shoulders.

"No, it is a two-way mirror. Though she seems to know we are here," Mala said and knocked on the window, causing Frida to flinch.

"Maybe don't do that," Heather said as she saw Frida flinch.

Mala raised an eyebrow at Heather.

"I believe I know her better than any of you guys. Maybe you could let me in?" Heather suggested.

"That is off the table," Mala said.

"No way!" Astrid shouted at the same time.

"Look!" Heather shouted, causing them all to shut up while Frida softly banged her forehead against the window. "I know her better than any of you all combined! I might not know about her past and stuff like that, sure, but I know her in other, more important ways. You might know about her criminal past-" Heather pointed at Mala - "But I know her personally. I know what triggers her and what comforts her after those triggers."

Heather looked at all of them with pleading eyes.

"You can have armed guards outside the doors but please... Just let me see my girlfriend."

"Hi there."/(Modern HTTYD au. Heatherxfemoc)|(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now