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TW: slight swearing and Frida giving Heather a near heart attack.

It wasn't that fun to be back at school, but it was Heather's final year, so she was going to give it her all.

Frida had officially dropped out as she didn't want to spend her last months in school and school couldn't teach her anything about the job she wanted to get.

"So how is Frida?" Astrid asked as they walked through the halls.

"She was doing a lot better the last time I saw her, so I hope she keeps that up," Heather said and squeezed past two students that were talking in the middle of the hallway.

"Did you ask her?" Astrid asked excitedly.  Heather had told her about her idea to propose, and only her, since if she told the twins, they would bother her non-stop, if she told Hiccup, he would object for whatever reason, (he was still sour), Fishlegs would say congrats but Heather didn't fancy telling him, and Snotlout would tease her relentlessly.

"I did," Heather said with a bright smile and Astrid hugged her tightly, clicking the air out of her lungs.

"Oh! I'm so happy for you!" Astrid squealed.

"Great. Now please let me go before you crush my lungs," Heather wheezed.

Astrid let her go but kept her in a side hug.

"Wouldn't want your fiance killing me for killing you now would we," Astrid teased and Heather groaned.

They made it to their classroom and sat down, took out their books, and waited for the teacher to start. The class was long and boring as usual but suddenly, Heather's phone began to ring. She picked it up and immediately tensed. It was Ruby.

"Miss?" She asked while raising her hand. The teacher turned and nodded. "Can I take this?"

"Heather, we are in the middle of class," the teacher pointed out.

"I know, but this might be urgent," Heather pleaded. If the teacher didn't answer soon she would walk out of the classroom and take the phone anyway.

"Go, be quick," the teacher said and Heather rushed out of the room and answered the phone.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Heather, thank God, listen, Frida is in the hospital," Ruby said and Heather paled. "We don't know what happened, she just collapsed and was in a lot of pain. She is recovering and says she is doing a lot better but just so you know."

Heather had sunk down to the floor and stared at the empty wall in front of her. Her brain couldn't keep up with what Ruby was saying. The words 'collapsed', 'hospital', 'in pain', all spun around in Heather's head.

"Heather? Are you there?" Ruby asked in a worried tone.

"I'm here," Heather said absently.

"She is fine, at least that is what she is saying. She is sitting up in the bed and everything." They were both silent for a while before Ruby continued. "I can come and pick you up. She wants to see you."

Heather nodded but quickly realized that she was on the phone. "Yes please."

"Great. And don't worry too much. She will be ok," Ruby tried to reassure, but Heather wasn't sure if she was trying to reassure herself or Heather. "Bye Heather."

"Bye Ruby," Heather said emotionless, and with that, they hung up.

Heather leaned her head against the wall and breathed out. It was just barely a month until their wedding and she decided to pull this!? They had made all the preparations and now it was just up to wait until it was all set up, and she decides to collapse.

"Hi there."/(Modern HTTYD au. Heatherxfemoc)|(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now