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TW: talk about rape and sex, swearing, talk about abuse, and homophobia.

The outfit in the picture is what Heather is wearing, just not with those shoes and that purse exactly, but it is pretty close.

Btw Frida's birthday is November 15th.

This is a long boi, over 4000 words.

Hope you enjoy!

Heather had been gathering up enough courage for days to ask Frida out. It was currently November 13th, and the school was already in the jolly mood.

Heather was walking through the halls, waiting to catch a glimpse of Frida.

"So what do you want to do?"

She turned and saw Blaze talking to Frida.

"I don't want to do anything except my father to finally leave me in peace," Frida responded.

"Hey," Heather said in a cheery voice.

Frida looked at her and then down in shame.

"Sorry about the thing that happened in the dog park. I didn't mean to snap at Haddock," Frida said.

Heather took her hand and shivered as the cold rings met her hand.

She looked up and Heather smiled sweetly at her.

"It is fine," Heather said and squeezed her hand. "I actually wanted to ask you something," Heather began, very nervous over what Frida's answer would be. "Would you like... To... Um... To... Go out... Uhm... To go out with me?"

She awaited Frida's answer without making eye contact. Blushing at how stupid she made the question sound.

She suddenly felt a very soft pair of lips against her cheek. It was only for a few seconds but it felt like an eternity.

"I would love to go out with you Heather," Frida said.

Heather looked at her and blushed a deep crimson. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Blaze move out of the way. He had covered them? Maybe Frida wasn't out yet.

"Great! How does the 15th sound?" Heather asked.

"Amazing," Frida said with a big smile.

"Awesome! I'll pick you up, you don't need to wear anything too fancy," Heather said, basically jumping with excitement.

"I will be sure to remember, you know where my house is, right?" Frida asked.

"Yes, if I forget though," Heather said and fished out her phone. "Here is my number."

Frida looked at her phone for a while before nodding.

"You won't need to write it down or anything?" Heather asked.

"Photographic memory," Frida said and tapped her head. "Either way, Blaze probably just wrote it down."

"That I did," Blaze said and stuck a posted note to Frida's forehead.

"I hate you," she said and took the note away from her forehead.

"I'll pick you up at 5 in the afternoon, how does that sound?" Heather asked.

Frida just nodded and smiled sweetly.

"Great, I have to go to class now, see you later," she said and walked away.

* * *

"What did she say?" Astrid asked the second Heather sat down at the table.

"Hi there."/(Modern HTTYD au. Heatherxfemoc)|(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now