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When the two boys arrived at school, they were a bit early. Soobin said that class didn't start in at least three hours, so barely anyone was here. Beomgyu could notice that this school had a completely different vibe from his old public school. It was more old-fashioned looking but a lot cleaner.

"Usually people that are in clubs or sports come this early to practice a bit before classes start," Soobin says walking down the hallway with Beomgyu following his pace. Prior to coming, Beomgyu got his schedule so Soobin was just telling him where to go and where the more important locations are.

"This one is the one!" Soobin says slamming his arm forcefully on the metal white locker. This action caused Beomgyu to get slightly startled.

Beomgyu places the pair of keys inside the keypad opening the small locker. "You can put your backpack in there, just carry this book as well as this and that's about all you will need," Soobin says helping the younger boy place his stuff inside the small enclosed space.

After closing the locker, the two boys roam around a bit more. Soobin would keep on lifting his sleeve and looking at his watch every 5 minutes.

"This is your homeroom classroom, you will probably spend most of your time here," Soobin says letting Beomgyu peek inside the room.


The two boys turn around towards the person who shouted out Soobin's name. "Ah...Hello, Mr.Kim" Soobin says bowing down, "Are you here for your practice?" The teacher asks smiling.

"Yeah, but I came earlier to show my stepbrother around the school a bit" Soobin answers gesturing towards the smaller boy who was standing awkwardly next to him. The older man's gaze turns to look at Beomgyu, "ah, Hello! It's nice meeting you. I'm Mr.Kim" The man says smiling.

Beomgyu bows down, "My name is Choi Beomgyu"

"What is your homeroom?" Mr.Kim asks Beomgyu.

"He will be in your homeroom, let's hope he behaves," Soobin says patting Beomgyu's back chuckling. The teachers let out a laugh, "we will be seeing each other often then, I have to go to a meeting now, I will see you guys later" Mr.Kim says looking at his watch and waving goodbye to the younger boys.

Soobin looks down at his watch again, "I have to go to practice now, you can stay here if you want or you can come with me to the field until class starts" Soobin says. Beomgyu looks back at the room and then back at Soobin.

"Can I go with you?" He asks.

Soobin smiles, "Yeah, let's go then".

They walk down the hallway from where they were and then make a turn where a door was. Soobin opens it and they both head outside the building towards the large soccer field outside. There was also a running track surrounding the field.

It was almost at the start of fall, so thankfully it wasn't so hot outside. There was a light wind that would pass through the locks of Beomgyu's hair. They finally reach the field where a group of boys were simply tossing balls to each other.

"I will be right back, I have to go change first, you can go sit down in the bleachers," Soobin says pointing at the bleachers that were not too far away from them. Beomgyu nods his head and Soobin runs off towards the doors that were in front of the soccer field.

Beomgyu makes his way towards the bleachers and sits down in the third step placing his stuff next to him. He didn't have much to do but look over to the group that were tossing balls at each other.

Not many minutes passed before Soobin came back out fully dressed in his soccer uniform. The older boy ran towards the middle of the field where his teammates were playing around, he patted their backs as a greeting and was passed a ball.

Beomgyu just watched as they separated the teams quickly and began playing to warm up.

"Pass the ball!" The boy shouted who then later received the ball while running to the other side of the field passing it on to the next person. Soobin catches the ball with his feet and kicks it into the goal.

Some share frustrated groans and some yell out in joy. All the boys were sweating and worn out at this point so they decided to end the game with 5-4 points. People that were in Soobin's team pat his back as they head off into the locker rooms to shower and change before class starts.

"Hey Soobin, who is that kid you brought with you?" Soobin's friend says looking at Beomgyu who was busy looking through his notebook that he somehow found interesting.

"He is my stepbrother who just moved in, and I let him come because I was showing him around a bit," Soobin says dusting off the pieces of grass that got stuck to him.

"Ah...I see next time invite him to play, let's see if he is as good as you" The friend says laughing. Soobin chuckles placing his arm around the other boy's shoulder, "let's go shower first, we stink" Soobin says as they walk back into the locker rooms where everyone else went.

"Come on Taehyun, will you be standing there all day?" Soobin calls out to the boy who randomly stood in the middle of the field starting at something. The boy looks over at Soobin, "um...I will just be kicking a few rounds for a few more minutes" Taehyun says.

"Okay, don't take too long," Soobin says continuing to walk with his friend towards the building.

Taehyun looks down at the soccer ball in his hands and places it down before taking a few steps back and kicking the ball into the goal. Beomgyu still hears noises coming from the field and looks up watching a boy kick the ball into the goal over and over again.

Everyone else had left already to the locker room so Beomgyu was confused as to why this dude hadn't left yet. He was probably just those kids that force themselves to work longer or the kid didn't want to go to class yet. But there was something strange with him, he didn't stick out much from the rest but something felt confusing about him.

"Come on Beomgyu, let's go to class," Soobin says walking out of nowhere. Beomgyu nods his head and gets up following his stepbrother inside the building again.

Sorry, this came a bit late then said :( I was busy and didn't have much energy.

I'm going to update later so sorry for any grammar mistakes which might be a lot

Letters and Roses: TaegyuWhere stories live. Discover now