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The roses started a few days ago leading up to valentines day. Beomgyu would find singular stem roses on his desk day after day always placed in the exact spot. He felt quite complicated as he tried to find out who was leaving these mysterious roses on his desk, but there was nothing that lead to anyone. There was absolutely no one that could possibly like him in any way that he knew of.

The only one that was close to him was Yeonjun but it couldn't be him, right? Beomgyu laid his head on the table frustrated about all the nonsense that was happening. Maybe someone was playing a joke on him?

There were millions of possibilities but none of them seem to be true because Beomgyu was a nobody in this school, no one talked to him or wanted to be his friend. He was just tossed around like the hot potato in the game, no one wanted to be close to him. The boy let out a frustrated groan looking up once again at the clock that hung above the teacher's desk, the class was silent as most were working on getting their grades up to at least pass this class before the year ended.

The older woman sat on her desk holding a book in her hands as her gaze stayed low not being bothered by the kids that were painfully whispering. Beomgyu could only wait for the bell to ring to get out of this shit hole, everything felt so slow as he watched the clock hand slowly tick around.

Finally, the sound of the bell enlighted Beomgyu's ears as he stood up and quickly left the classroom. The rose of the day hide in his backpack since he didn't want anyone to see it ever since the time the group of bullies saw the note. The boy took turns around the building until he reached the back door that lead to the soccer field behind the school, the sun hit his pale skin making him feel relaxed since he was away from the cold.

Beomgyu walked up to the field and climbed the stairs of the bleachers sitting down on the hot metal seats, it burned but he didn't have anything to sit on so he just has to deal with the pain. "Here sit on this," a voice said softly which made the boy turn his head realizing Taehyun was standing in front of him. Beomgyu suddenly begins getting nervous as he tries to let out words but they only come out as broken vowels.

Taehyun places his jacket next to Beomgyu allowing him to sit down on it instead of the hot burning seat. The older boy is hesitant but Taehyun grabs his arm and pulls him to sit down.

"Did Soobin tell you to come in today?" Taehyun says lifting his leg up while adjusting his soccer shoes. Beomgyu nods his head holding the clipboard in his hands tightly, something about the boy made him incredibly nervous it was almost insane. Taehyun looks towards the uneasy boy and reaches his hand holding onto Beomgyu's. The older boy bites the inside of his cheek watching the athlete analyze his healing hand, his hand got better but the scar of the blister was still healing causing it to still hurt.

"Did you apply the jelly?" Taehyun asks holding onto the boy's hand softly afraid that he was too harsh he might hurt the boy. "Yes," Beomgyu says quietly his voice becoming higher without him noticing. The younger boy looks over at Beomgyu still not letting go of his hand, "what about the bruise?" Taehyun says looking down at the boy's torso area.

"It's slowly fading and hurting less" Beomgyu responds.

The boy was surprised his brother still hasn't found out about the whole situation, his face was seriously covered in bandaids and he believe every word that came out of Beomgyu's mouth. Suddenly both the boys noticed Soobin walking up towards them so Taehyun pulled away from Beomgyu's hand and looked away acting like he was distracted by something.

"Taehyun, hurry up it's almost time," Soobin says out of breath from running across the field to grab the boy. Taehyun stands up as the older boy turns to look at his brother, "take attendance and mark how many practices they pass okay?" Soobin asks throwing up an okay sign to the younger boy.

Beomgyu nods his head grabbing a pen and signaling that he was ready. Soobin smiles as turns his back heading back into the field, "keep up" Taehyun says ruffling the older boy's hair. Beomgyu gave the boy a smile encouraging him to do his best on the different practices. There was a whole list of training that the team was going to do so Beomgyu pulled out a hat to cover his face from the scorching sun rays.

The boy took attendance and finally they started with the first training. Soobin stood on the sidelines blowing a whistle to keep the group moving and fix their mistakes. Every time it was Taehyun's turn, Beomgyu would avert his whole attention towards the boy watching him perfect every move and skill quickly.

The boy felt a happy bunny jump around in his stomach as he stared at the younger boy, it was almost like a happy virus when he would look at Taehyun. Hours of this passed until the sun was already settling down and it was beginning to get dark. Everyone on the field was breathing heavily, sweat dripping from their face down to the grass below their feet. Beomgyu quickly got up just as Taehyun was walking near the sidelines hurrying towards the boy.

The older boy hands the worn-out boy a cold bottle of water and a damp cloth to cool himself down. Taehyun happily takes it as he pinches the boy's cheeks as a sign of gratitude, Beomgyu could feel his heart racing in circles and his body start to shake. "Thank you hyung," Taehyun says shining his bright smile.

The word 'hyung' almost made Beomgyu squeal out loud, his whole body became hot and at this point, he could already hear his heartbeat increasing its speed. It was almost like he had entered heaven just by the words of the boy. "Do you want to go eat later?" Taehyun asks rubbing the cold cloth against his neck while looking up at the frozen boy.

Beomgyu could only nod his head aimlessly since his whole body function system had already given up on him. "Let me go change and we can go, tell your brother first," Taehyun says walking away but making sure his eyes don't gaze away from the older boy.

Letters and Roses: TaegyuWhere stories live. Discover now