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Beomgyu stares at his reflection in the mirror. The horrendous bruises have already swollen up and gotten much more darker and painful. He felt a bitter feeling swallowing him entirely.

He wanted to disappear at that moment. From all the bruises and cuts he didn't look like himself anymore. He could barely recognize his original appearance.

His face looked slimmer and had a displeasing gray color to it. It was like the color in his face was being absorbed out of him. He tried covering up the injuries but some very faded scarring was still there. Using make-up and baggage wouldn't last that long anymore before Soobin finds out.

He reaches into his pocket feeling the small tube of cream and takes it out. The label on the front reads "Bruise and Cuts Cream". He could feel his lips tugging on a smile as he rolls the cap out and places some of the blue creamy substance onto his fingertip.

Beomgyu looks back at the mirror and gently applies the cream to the bruise near his cheekbone. It stung for a few short seconds but then the pain disappeared and he felt nothing at all. He moved towards the small cut on his face and applied it on as well. This one hurt worse but like before the pain vanished just as quickly as it came.

He still remembered how painful it was to receive this cut. The bastard was wearing a ring with a flat stop causing the edges to be pointy. Beomgyu could still feel the cold silver feeling of the metal slicing into his skin and cutting it open. He screwed the top back on and placed the tube on the counter. He looks back at himself in the mirror at his own reflection but the only person he could see was the boy with brown hair. His is soft face features like the small bags under his eyes.

Beomgyu wasn't sure why he was having these thoughts. Maybe it was because he was the first person to show him empathy since he came here? Beomgyu wasn't sure but it was something about him.

He sighed as he walked out of the bathroom and back into his room.


Today went exactly like it always did. People would throw him glares and looks of disgust, he was used to it now. All he had to do was keep his head down and make his way towards his first period. He wasn't feeling very well and almost threw up this morning but he didn't want to bother his stepfather and his mother wasn't home instead she was currently working on her new business that she opened up recently.

He felt sick to his stomach as he quickly sat down and took out his notebook waiting quietly until the teacher finally arrived. The rest of the students were in their groups along with their friends. Beomgyu was the loner who had no one to talk to or even try. Everyone had someone or a group of their own.

Beomgyu would always stare out the window at this time. He didn't bother making friends or at least socialize with others. No one liked him and no one would ever approach him.

"You're Soobin's brother right?"

Beomgyu looks over towards the voice and finds Soobin's blonde friend standing in front of him. He has finally learned his name. Yeonjun.

"Beomgyu, right?" Yeonjun says throwing him a large smile. Beomgyu completely froze at this encounter, he wasn't mentally prepared for someone to come up to him and attempt to talk. "Y-Yeah" Beomgyu replies quietly.

Yeonjun makes a move and sits down next to Beomgyu, "Don't mind if I sit here right?" Yeonjun asks. Beomgyu can only shake his head and allow the unusual visitor to take his place.

Right after Yeonjun took a seat, almost instantly he could feel the stares gazing at them. He could also hear the whispers and comments being thrown.

"If Yeonjun just sit next to that fag?"

"Why would Yeonjun-oppa sit next to such a disgrace?"

Beomgyu didn't mind them but cared that Yeonjun might hear them. When the younger boy looked towards the strange boy, he was unbothered. It was clear that Yeonjun could also hear them but instead, he was chill and relaxed reading his book.

"Um...Hyung? You really don't have to sit here just because Soobin is my brother" Beomgyu says softly. Yeonjun looks away from his book and straight into Beomgyu's eyes.

"I'm not being friendly because your stepbrother is my friend, I came here to become your friend," Yeonjun says placing the book in front of him and crossing his arms.

"I don't care what they say, they always talk shit about everyone like they don't make mistakes or errors themselves" Yeonjun comments. "You haven't made a mistake, right? You haven't hurt anyone, right? Let them talk, they don't have a valid reason to say the lies that come out of their dirty mouths" He adds on while raising his eyebrow.

Beomgyu can only stare at him in shock and turn to look at his fidgeting hands. He felt his heart flutter for a moment as those words came out of the other boy's mouth. It almost felt like a fever dream, this couldn't possibly be real right?

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