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Taehyun groans loudly as he stands up placing the crutches under his armpit. Beomgyu who was sitting down quickly gets up helping him stand up properly. "I think you should sit do-" Beomgyu says until he is interrupted by Taehyun, "I'm okay, let's just get back," Taehyun says with a strange feeling in his voice.

Beomgyu nods and helps Taehyun out of the small stadium clinic and back into the bleachers where his coach stood.

"Are you okay?" The worried coach says looking down at Taehyun's ankle that had a cast placed over it. The injured boy just nods his head and places the crutches next to him while he stayed quiet and watched the rest of the team play.

After the incident, the game continued like normal, but without Taehyun. Beomgyu tried concentrating on the game but his mind and eyes were focused on the boy sitting next to him. Taehyun's hair covered his forehead and eyes due to the sweat.

But Beomgyu could easily notice the depressing expression on his face. He hung his head low the whole time without talking much.

"Do you want anything? A drink or snack?" Beomgyu asked softly with a shaky voice. Taehyun responds by tilting his head slightly towards Beomgyu but not all the way and shaking his head. Thankfully the game ended with a close score of 10-11 becoming a win for Beomgyu's team.

The group of boys cheered together forming a circle and patting each other's back. The opposite team let out low groans of disappointment as they walked out of the field. Beomgyu smiled towards Yeonjun while putting his thumbs up. Yeonjun smiles back shining his bright and perfect smile.

Suddenly Taehyun gets up from his seat placing his crutches in place and starts walking away towards the back of the bleachers. Beomgyu is confused and quickly gets up on his feet. He stands still as he watches Taehyun disappear while the cheers of the team and crowd before are louder.

He suddenly feels some arms wrap around his shoulder, he looks behind him and finds Yeonjun smiling his white pearls. "Can I teach you how to play now?" Yeonjun asks chuckling. Beomgyu nods his head but turns it back to look at the spot he last saw Taehyun.

"Yeah, sure when you have time," Beomgyu says aimlessly without taking his eyes away from the spot.

"Um...I need to use the bathroom, I will be right back" Beomgyu says exiting the grip of Yeonjun and running where Taehyun had gone. He finds himself outside the fence from the stadium as he looks around trying to find the familiar figure. He walks around until he reaches the parking lot, he could see his breathing as it hits the cold air. He has been out here for a few minutes just looking around.

He finally gives up due to the cold and heads to the bus to look for his jacket. He hops on the empty bus which he thought was empty until he sees Taehyun sitting down with his headphones in and his eyes closed. Beomgyu slowly walks towards his seat next to Taehyun and sits down not having much energy to go back out there.

Beomgyu grabs his backpack and digs for his jacket, but his elbow accidentally hits Taehyun who quickly flinches and wakes up with a sudden shock. "What are you doing?" Taehyun asks taking his headphones off with a surprised face.

"Um...I was looking for my...jacket" Beomgyu says pulling his black jacket from his backpack and showing Taehyun, the boy's face becomes calm as he nods.

"Are you feeling better?" Beomgyu unexpectedly says, he didn't want the words to come out of his mouth but they just slipped past his awareness. Taehyun glances at his leg and nods, "it could have been worse" he replies.

"Are you still going to play on the team?" Beomgyu asks without thinking again. Taehyun stays quiet at the question, his face turning pale and gloomy.

"I don't know..."

Beomgyu finally stays quiet noticing the uneasy tone in Taehyun's voice. He allows the cold silent wrap its fingers around them.

"I think you should," Beomgyu says breaking the thick ice, he turns his head to look at Taehyun who was already looking at his way. "You are a great player, and the rest need you," Beomgyu says softly, "but I guess that depends on you".

The older boy looks down at his fingers still feeling the glare of the soccer player.

Taehyun doesn't answer and places his headphones back on, he lays his head back and closes his pearl-shaped eyes. Beomgyu suddenly feels an embarrassed wave surf over him as he just continues to look around pretending that nothing happened.

Soon after some long minutes, the team enter the bus one by one all having smiles on their faces and complimenting each other for their hard work. They steal some glances towards Taehyun as they pass by the seat which made Beomgyu feel extremely uneasy.

"You never came back," Yeonjun says placing his hand on Beomgyu's shoulder. "Yeah, I had to do something and it was quite cold out there" Beomgyu replies letting out a small chuckle. Yeonjun nods his head smiling, "gonna get used to that cold".

Beomgyu nods his head back as Yeonjun leaves for his seat.

"Rollcall Beomgyu," Soobin says entering the bus last. Beomgyu gets up quickly and reaches for the clipboard that was in Soobin's hand. He clears his throat and tightly grips on the pen.




"Right here"



Beomgyu went down the list until he reached Taehyun's name. He looks up and glances at the boy who was probably sleeping at this point since he hasn't moved a muscle yet. He checks his name out and doesn't bother to wake the boy up.




"He stayed behind his father is with him" Soobin answers. Beomgyu nods his head and checks the boy's name off.

"Last but not least, Lucas?"


Beomgyu checks off the last name and hands the clipboard to Soobin who gratefully accepts it. The younger boy goes and sits down in his seat as the bus starts and starts to head back to the school. It was dark outside and Beomgyu couldn't really distract himself that much.

He just watches as the dark figures of the tall trees pass by without much matter. He almost drifts off when a sudden heavy pressure is pressed on his shoulder. He looks over and notices Taehyun is laying against his shoulder, he tried his best not to move and accidentaly wake the younger boy up.

He could feel the breathing of the boy against his neck which caused him to become stiff. He wanted to stay away but his sleepiness was also taking over him, he looked at his watch and noticed it was midnight already and we're going to probably arrive at 1 or 2 in the morning.

He felt himself fall as he freely laid his head on top of Taehyun's and quickly drifted off into another reality and world that seemed so real but wasn't.
Happy New Year everyone!

Please enjoy the following days until the end :) don't be defeated by your mistakes in the past and keep going because you are doing great 💝

Anyways please have an amazing day and I will see you next week lmao

Schools about to start again 😬 eww

Letters and Roses: TaegyuWhere stories live. Discover now