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Beomgyu opened the door to his bedroom with the small bag in his hands. He quietly closed his door behind him and placed the bag on his bed while hanging his backpack.

It was just noon but for some reason, he felt exhausted. It was strange that recently he felt so tired all the time but at the same time he doesn't really sleep during the night. Beomgyu takes off his shoes leaving them by the side of his bed.

The young boy takes the bag from his bed and pulls the bouquet of Gypsophila. A small smile appears on his face as he looks at the flowers. Beomgyu pulls the flower closer and inhales the fresh and rich smell.

He unwraps the flower from the plastic and places it in a vase that was located near his window. Beomgyu fills the empty vase with water and admires the flower even more. There was something about that boy that bothered him, but he couldn't really put a finger on what it was.

Was it because he was the first person to approach him?

The boy seemed quite gloomy these days and Beomgyu somehow felt concerned? He barely knew the boy but there was a feeling in his chest that wouldn't go away.

Beomgyu looks down at his finger and looks at the bandaid that had strawberries imprinted on it. He lets out a small chuckle and remembers the bandaid that the younger boy gave him as extras, he walks towards his bag and pulls them out.

Beomgyu opens the drawer from his nightstand and places the strawberry bandaids next to the bruise cream that Taehyun also gave him. It was like he was the only one who cared about him...

But that wasn't possible...right?

The older boy must admit that it was quite strange that the boy had a drawing that looked exactly like him but at the same time, it could be anyone...right?

Beomgyu felt overwhelmed as he threw himself on his bed. He started spacing out as he stared at the ceiling, he felt confused and uncertain.

There is a soft knock on his door.

"Come in," Beomgyu says sitting up.

Soobin opens the door and walks into the room. "I just wanted to tell you that dinner is ready if you want to come down," Soobin says softly holding the doorknob. "Ah...yeah, I will be down soon" Beomgyu replies.

Soobin's eyes wander around the younger boys' room as he notices the flower near his window. "I like the flowers, they look pretty" Soobin comments. The younger boy chuckles as he stares at the flowers in the vase. "You think?"

"Yeah, they add some brightness to this room" The older boy answers smiling.

"I will go now, remember to come down" Soobin adds on waking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

Beomgyu sighs as he lays back down and stares at the flowers even more.


Taehyun walks into his doctor's office and sits down on the chair.

"How have you been Taehyun?" Dr.Cho asks while sanitizing his hands and placing gloves on.

"Good I guess," The younger boy answers placing his school bag next to him. "And I'm going to assume your father isn't here with you today?" The doctor questions in a minimal voice.

"No, he is busy"

"Let's take a look at your ankle" Dr.Cho says sitting down in his own chair and rolling closer to the injured boy. The doctor pulls a small stool in front of him and places Taehyun's leg on it.

The boy winces at the pain but it soon goes away quickly. The middle-aged man unwraps the temporary cast and looks down at the swollen ankle, he softly pressed on the injury causing the younger boy to flinch.

"Thankfully you didn't break any bones but only tore your ankle ligaments, not that it's better but will take less time to heal" Dr.Cho comments feeling Taehyun's swollen ankle.

"Do you know how long?" Taehyun asks.

"The injury is minor so about two weeks, just make sure to place an ice pack on it for 15 to 20 minutes each day. We will place a detachable cast for you to be able to take it off but only take it off when placing the ice pack and showering for it to heal properly" The doctor explains before pulling back and taking his gloves off.

"any more concerns or questions?"

Taehyun shakes his head, "I will call the nurse to place the cast, just wait a bit" De. Cho says opening the office door.

"And don't worry, you will be able to play soccer once or heals" the doctor adds on throwing a smile to the boy before leaving the room.

Sorry this chapter was delayed I was busy during these last few days

Have a great day!

Letters and Roses: TaegyuWhere stories live. Discover now