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Ever since Yeonjun started talking to Beomgyu everything seemed to go better. He would have rough days here and there, he couldn't possibly make the bullies disappear but his week was mostly filled up with good days.

Yeonjun stuck to him like a magnet, Beomgyu was a bit shy and didn't talk much to him but it seemed like the boy found a way through his brick wall. Yeonjun would always invite him to play soccer or play basketball even though Beomgyu wasn't great at those sports he still found them fun to play.

Beomgyu felt sweat dripping down his face as he concentrated on the ball. "Okay, Listen," Yeonjun says dribbling the ball on the concrete ground. "You have to block okay? Just try to prevent me from scoring" he adds on. Beomgyu node his head taking in the words of the older boy. Without much warning, Yeonjun runs towards Beomgyu making the boy react and jump upwards to stop the ball from entering the hoop.

Beomgyu isn't successful as Yeonjun is still able to score a point but he doesn't feel discouraged as Yeonjun pats his back. "You are getting better, almost didn't score" Yeonjun comments letting out a chuckle. Beomgyu smiles as Yeonjun passes him the ball.

But before they can continue with the game, Soobin interrupts them by entering the court.

"Damn, and how come no one invited me?" Soobin asks smiling.

"I'm just teaching your brother here somethings," Yeonjun says patting Beomgyu's small back. Soobin had an unexplainable expression, it was too hard to read. The older boy scratches his chin and forms a smile with his lips.

"It's great, you finally took him out of his room" Soobin comments nodding his head. "We have a tournament today, I hope to see you in the practice field one last time before we head off," Soobin says placing his hands on his hips while looking over at Yeonjun.

"Yeah, I remember," Yeonjun says smiling.

"Did you try to make up with Taehyun?" Soobin asks.

Beomgyu notices the boy next to him roll his eyes as he scratches his head. "Nope," Yeonjun answers.

"Then you better, he texted me that he will play this game but it will be the last one and then he will officially quit the team," Soobin says in a serious tone.

"Why don't you just let him quit? It's not going to make a diff-"

"He is one of our best players, and you know that Yeonjun"

Beomgyu could feel the tension between the boys as he awkwardly held the basketball.

"Um...I have to do my homework now, and shower" Beomgyu says handing the ball to Yeonjun, "it was nice playing, see you later".

Beomgyu starts walking towards the house but is stopped by Soobin holding his wrist. "Go home now Yeonjun, it's almost practice time," Soobin says and turns around towards his stepbrother.

"Let's go inside now for you to take a bath," Soobin says in a much more smooth and less scary voice. It took Beomgyu by surprise but he couldn't say something as Soobin placed his hand on his back leading him inside.


The boys were getting on the bus as they were getting ready to head to their game. Soobin held a clipboard in his hands reading each of the boys' names making sure they were here.




"Right here!"

Soobin flipped the pages as he looked at everyone on the bus.

"Okay I want everyone to listen, this is a big game tonight and I want all of you to concentrate on the game, no distractions, avoid injuries, and no fighting," Soobin says looking towards both Yeonjun and Taehyun

"I have hope in you, but I need you to also have hope in yourself" Soobin lets out, "so how about we go to that game and kick some asses?"

After the last sentence, the bus fills up with yells and cheers.

Soobin turns around and glances at Beomgyu with a large bag over his shoulder. "Ah one more thing"

"I will like to welcome our new team member, Beomgyu, he will be our team manager from now on," Soobin says letting the smaller boy pass by. There were a few claps and cheers in the bus as Soobin patted Beomgyu's head.

Soobin looked around the bus finding a proper seat for his brother. But there were only spaces next to Yeonjun and Taehyun, without much thought Soobin points to the seat next to Taehyun.

"Sit over there next to Taehyun," Soobin says. Beomgyu slowly goes to sit down and hands Soobin his bag.

Taehyun had his headphones placed in and had his head leaning on the window. Beomgyu felt his face heat up as he remembered the events of last night. For some reason, Beomgyu couldn't forget about that night, it had a soft spot in his heart.

Soobin handed him the clipboard, "make sure to learn names, you will be calling roll once we finish the game and head back home"

Beomgyu nods his head and crosses his legs. Lucky for him Beomgyu already memorized the teammates as Soobin was doing the roll call earlier. The bus started as it started to head off to the other school.

The school was probably 1 hour away so it was going to be a long ride.

Beomgyu sighed as he took out his phone.

Letters and Roses: TaegyuWhere stories live. Discover now