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Months passed everything leading up to the final exams. Those few weeks were a struggle bus for everyone. Yeonjun and Soobin couldn't really see each other often but the older boy would always pass by the Choi House once in a while. Taehyun was still staying in Beomgyu's house while he fixed the situation of his past.

He sent the boy a letter apologizing for his actions and hoping that one day he would be able to face him with an actual apology. Taehyun hold of the consequences and is currently paying a fine while still paying for the boy's medical bills and is now paying for the boy's necessary finances like food, water, and a roof. Beomgyu couldn't be more happy being with his boyfriend every day.

"I invited Yeonjun over is that alright?" Soobin asks his stepmother who was preparing another meal for the end of the week. Mrs.Choi smiles at him, "oh of course it will" she says mixing up the batter.

Taehyun scratched his head as an unexplained expression appeared on his face. Beomgyu quickly noticed this and looked over at Soobin who also seemed to notice the weird atmosphere around the boy. "Will it be okay if Taehyun and me go out for tonight?" Beomgyu asks munching on his chips. Taehyun looks over at his boyfriend confused.

"But I wanted to have a family dinner together with everyone," Beomgyu's mother says pouting at her son.

Beomgyu was about to respond but Taehyun quickly cuts him off finally catching up on the situation. "It's fine, we can eat here tonight," Taehyun says smiling at the older woman. "Great" Mrs.Choi exclaims continuing to mix her mixture.

The situation was still awkward for Taehyun and Yeonjun which is why Soobin would always invite Yeonjun when Beomgyu and Taehyun were out. And every time he would appear at the house at random times, Beomgyu would always keep Taehyun in the room until he left.

"I think it's time for them to reconcile" Soobin whispers to Taehyun for their mother to not heard. "You could have told me" Beomgyu utters back before nudging on the boy.

"If I did you would have said no" Soobin responds.

"Taehyun can you help me set the table," Mrs.Choi asks. The younger boy nods his head and grabs the plates that we're set on the counter. "Please allow me to help you," a maid says offering her help to the soccer player. "It's alright, I will help him," Beomgyu says quickly taking the plates from the boy.

Beomgyu wanted to take this opportunity to have a small conversation with the boy. The couple walks to the dining room and Taehyun quickly begins to place the forks and spoons down neatly.

"Taehyun...I'm going to be straightforward with you" Beomgyu says placing the plates down on the table. Taehyun doesn't say anything as he continues to fold the napkins but lets out a hum telling the older boy that he was listening.

"Is it really fine for Yeonjun to be here?"

Taehyun finally looks up towards Beomgyu with an odd expression.

"What else can I do? This isn't my house, if your mother and brother want him over for dinner that's fine" Taehyun says his eyebrows knitting. "It's also your house love," Beomgyu says.

Taehyun becomes quiet playing with the napkins in his hand before letting go of a sigh. "You know, sometimes I wish I could have my friend back. We might have had a big discussion but I still think of him as one of my closest friends" Taehyun says sitting down in a chair while looking at his boyfriend.

"But sometimes I don't know what he thinks about me," Taehyun tells.

"He probably still thinks of you as a friend as well," Beomgyu says getting closer to his boyfriend and placing his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"You think?"

"Yeah, I'm positive about it," Beomgyu says smiling.

"And tonight is your chance to make up the friendship" the older boy lets out.


The atmosphere during the dinner wasn't even bad until the point when the family decided to hang out in the living room.

The tension could be felt as the two boys stood far away from each other as possible. Each sitting down on the couch opposite of the other. Soobin and Beomgyu would try to get them to be close but it was almost like putting two repealing magnets together.

Taehyun looked down that he was losing his confidence in going up to the boy by the minute. Beomgyu placed his hand on his boyfriend's should for support while he watched his parents and brother fight over who was about to win.

Yeonjun looks down at his watch, "I have to leave now, my parents are expecting me home" he announces causing the game dispute to stop. They quickly get up while they say their goodbyes to the boy, Soobin quickly grabs Yeonjun's arm stopping him from leaving.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Soobin asks. Yeonjun nods while he gets dragged upstairs by the team captain. Soobin quickly sends a signal towards Beomgyu who quickly catches it. "Shall we go to sleep now?" Beomgyu asks looking towards Taehyun.

"Good night" Beomgyu lets out grabbing his boyfriend's hand and dragging him upstairs as well.

"It's still early though" Taehyun whines but doesn't fight back against the older boy. The couple passes Beomgyu's room which confuses Taehyun. "Your room is over there," Taehyun says pointing back at the closed white door.

Beomgyu ignores the younger boy and pulls him towards Soobin's room, twisting the knob and opening the door. It was obvious Yeonjun was taken aback by the sudden door bursting but he was more surprised to see Taehyun behind the older boy. "Hello hyung," Beomgyu says smiling at the older boy who awkwardly smiles back at him.

"Sorry to interrupt but there is a problem that needs solving and it's this one" Beomgyu says straightforwardly while pushing Taehyun in the room.

"I honestly think that just because someone didn't pass the ball was a stupid excuse to break your friendship," Soobin includes into the conversation.

"You guys are best friends, it's quite uncomfortable when your two best players are on horrible terms with each other" the older boy confesses while holding onto Yeonjun's arm. The oldest looked dumbfounded before turning to look at Taehyun who was rubbing his arm awkwardly.

"Okay..." Yeonjun says, "but I'm not apologizing first," he says taking the brother in shock.

Soobin slaps the boy's arm while glaring at him.

"It's not my problem he has bad aim," Yeonjun says trying to justify himself.

"You're the bad kicker" Taehyun utters rolling his eyes.

"Who broke their leg though?" Yeonjun answers back.

Taehyun gets closer to the older boy while glaring at him, "who can't see 2ft in front of him?" the younger boy says defeating Yeonjun's sarcastic question.

Yeonjun just gets closer while looking down at the shorter boy, "who falls every three seconds?" Yeonjun claims.

Beomgyu and Soobin quickly get in between, stopping the boys from arguing once again. "I think we should stop, just shake your damn hands already," Soobin says his voice showing the tiredness.

Yeonjun and Taehyun glared at each other for a few long minutes that felt like torture for Beomgyu and Soobin before they both put their hands up at the same time. The soccer players shake hands, the tense atmosphere relaxing almost instantly. It was clear that the air surrounding the boys has changed dramatically.

The friends hug almost instantly bawling their eyes out. "I missed you so much hyung" Taehyun sobs while holding onto the boy tightly. "I missed you too" Yeonjun responds embracing his younger friend in his arms.

It was finally relieving to see the two old friends together, after so long, it almost felt like everything was complete.

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