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Taehyun spots Soobin in the crowds at the schoolyards. He speeds up his pace until he reaches the older guy.

"Hyung!" Taehyun calls out trying to be quick but his crutches weren't really allowing it. By hearing his name Soobin turns around and notices a struggling Taehyun so he stands still until the younger boy reaches him.

Once the injured boy reaches him, he lets out a smile. "Are you feeling better?" Soobin asks looking down at Taehyun's leg. "Yeah I guess, I have a doctor's appointment in the afternoon so I'm sure I'm going to be alright" Taehyun responds.

Taehyun looks down taking a deep breath. "Hyung...um...I want to apologize" He says looking back up. Soobin frowns confused but it only takes a few seconds before he understands where Taehyun's apology is coming from. "No need to apologize to me, everyone was sensitive that day due to the game. I wasn't going to allow you to quit that easily anyways" Soobin comments chuckling.

A small smile appears on Taehyun's face.

"I know soccer means a lot for you, so I want you to continue to try your best, okay?"

Taehyun nods his head as Soobin ruffles his hair.

"Let's go, class is about to start," Soobin says grabbing Taehyun's elbow and helping him along with the crowd of students that were also walking inside the school building.


Beomgyu felt overwhelmed in the classroom, everyone was so loud and noisy. He started erasing the words that were written on his desk, his pencil eraser was already becoming smaller as each day passed by. It wasn't used to erase his mistakes but instead the hurtful mistakes of others. He is probably going to have to pass by the store after school to buy a new pencil.

"Hey! Loser!" Huening Kai calls out. After a few days, Beomgyu was finally able to learn his name. The guy that annoyed him and always made his life miserable.

"Let me borrow some money, my parents wanted to be annoying and not give me any" Kai says walking towards Beomgyu's desk and slamming his hand down on the table. Beomgyu stays silent and doesn't move an inch, he feels his hands grip on his hoodie tightly. He was scared.

"What? Don't tell me that begger of your mother doesn't even let you borrow money?" Kai scoffs a smirk appearing on his perfectly defined face. "Leaves it all to herself? Expected" Kai says leaning closer to Beomgyu's face making him shrink in place.

"That what all beggers do, no?" Kai suddenly grabs Beomgyu's hair tightly causing him to wince in pain. "They will do anything for money" he whispers making Beomgyu look at him. Beomgyu couldn't take it anymore as he dug into his pocket taking out the money that his mother gave him this morning to buy a snack. He handed it over to the bully who finally let him go.

"Aw, how kind of you" Kai laughs pushing Beomgyu's head while turning around to walk away towards his friends. Just then does the teacher walk in to start class for the day.

The rest of the class went by in a blur, Beomgyu couldn't say he was paying attention but instead, he was looking out the window. He wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible. He felt his eyes tear up but he tried his best to hold the feelings in. He didn't want his situation to be worse if they saw him crying.

Finally, he felt his heart lift as he heard the bell signaling a switch of class. He packed his stuff moving as slowly as possible to avoid the students leaving the class in fear that they might torment him even more.

Once the class was empty he placed his bag strap on his shoulder and left the classroom to go to his next classroom.

He walked down the hallways lowering his head every time he walked by someone. Without taking much time he reaches his geometry class and quickly walks towards his desk taking a seat. He was feeling tired already and thankfully Kai wasn't in this class only annoying students that seemed like Kai's minions that would bother him most of the time.

He feels his eyes get droopy, he already aced his test so he didn't need to worry about paying attention in today's class which involved the teacher allowing the students to correct their wrong answers. He laid his head down underneath his notebook and closed his eyes instantly falling asleep without hesitation.

Yeonjun walks inside his class heading towards his seat that was next to Beomgyu. He was surprised to see that Beomgyu was sleeping so he moved slowly taking out his notebook from his backpack trying to limit the noise.

The teacher walked in not bothered to even glance at the sleeping Beomgyu. She passed around the tests of people who did miserably and Yeonjun was one of them. But his grade wasn't as bad as the rest.

Yeonjun looked over at Beomgyu. He couldn't take his eyes off of the younger boy. He was beautiful. The most beautiful person he has ever seen in this school. Beomgyu's face wasn't the standard face you would see in these school halls, his face looked unique. His hair was smooth and silky.

Most students would be getting plastic surgery at such a young age since their parents can afford it. There wasn't anything wrong with it of course but they would try to fit into society so hard nowadays that they all get the same nose jobs and face structures. And sometimes they would overdo it.

Yeonjun lifts his hand softly tracing Beomgyu's cheek and feeling his skin under his fingertips. His hand goes up to the younger boys' hair and tucks it behind his ear for his face to be more exposed. He freezes realizing what he is doing and pulls his hand away, he looks around making sure no one was looking, and goes back to fixing his paper. But his eyes always wander back to the sleeping boy every minute.

Letters and Roses: TaegyuWhere stories live. Discover now