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Taehyun walked through the front door of his house, the instant cold air hitting him. It sent a shiver down his spine as he closed the door behind him. He knew what was waiting for him so he was just mentally preparing himself for it. The boy slowly walks up the stairs, hearing his soft footsteps. Just as he expected the light of his father's office was on which made goosebumps grow on his skin. Taehyun continues to walk slowly and reaching the room.

His father looked how he looked every other day. His eyes were dull and deep due to the countless nights staying up. "Come in Taehyun," his father says with the coldness striking up in his voice. Taehyun could feel his body become hot as he stepped into his father's office. His father says up from his chair and pulls off his glasses placing them on the desk. "I work every single day just to maintain you and I come home to this bullshit?" Mr.Kang says throwing some papers at the boy.

The boy's eyes look down and scan the papers that were on the ground in front of him. They were suspension letters from the school. Taehyun could feel his heart drop in an instant as he picked them up. "What was it this time huh? Did you lose your fucking head? If you keep into fights, what will your future look like? The scholarship you were able to get will be gone!" His father yells slamming the table in front of him with anger.

Taehyun flinches as his father's palms hit the table. He could feel his eyes being crowded with tears that were risking to come out. He didn't want to cry, especially in front of his father. The older man continued to complain but Taehyun was already spacing out at this point, all he could think of was his mother and brother. Life would have been so much better if they were both still here. His father would still be the kind caring father figure he needed at this moment. The emotions that have been building up for so long were starting to overfill.

"I'm out here trying to make your future the best it can be but you are out here ruining i-" Mr.Kang says before Taehyun throws the papers on the ground making his words cut off. "Of what father? For the scholarship you paid for? Or the colleges you paid to accept me?" Taehyun asks his voice becoming brutal and toneless.

"Don't become smart with me, if it wasn't for me no one would have accepted you, especially after what you did at your old school" His father says pointing his finger at him. "And what do you think caused it?" Taehyun snaps back, his voice becoming harsher with every word that came out of his mouth. This sudden sharp pain flew on the boy's cheek as he clenched his jaw due to the pain. "You know damn well it isn't my fault!" his father shouts, his hands placed in fists.

"Then blame me, blame me since that's exactly what you've been doing since they died!" Taehyun yells. The boy was a mess at this point, his whole red had turned red and his eyes were filling up with tears that he didn't permit to exit. "Don't you dare bring their death into this conversation" Mr.Kang lets out his breathing becoming heavy.

There was this still silence that stood for a while along with the tension before Taehyun opened his mouth, letting a tear slip from his eyes. "I'm trying my best can't you tell?...but sometimes I wish I have died that day as well, so I wouldn't have you as my father right now," Taehyun says his voice becoming quiet as more tears slid down his face.

His father seems frozen so the younger boy takes this opportunity to leave the room rushing down the stairs and out of the dark house. Taehyun wiped his tears aggressively, he was broken and he didn't know what to do. No one was there to comfort him, his brother wasn't there nor was his mother. No one was there to hug him and tell him that everything was going to be okay. Only the cold rain was able to wrap its arm around his body. Taehyun gets in his car his vision blurry due to the tears flooding. The boy drives off and down the road, he didn't care where he went, he just wanted to get away from this house.

It was almost like everything completely collapsed in Taehyun causing him to stop the car in the ride of the car and let out a painful scream. The boy punched his steering wheel until blood was pouring out of his already swollen knuckles. He was breaking and this was the point where he shattered into a million pieces. He hated living this life, he couldn't help his mother or brother. He couldn't help his dad from becoming so cold. It was like everyone had turned their back against him.

He felt alone.


There was a knock on the door just as Beomgyu was passing by the front door. The injured boy walked towards the door eyeing the clock that stood next to the doorway. It was late, who would even knock on this door at this hour?

Beomgyu held the ice pack on his neck wound while turning on the door knob of the door, opening it up. The boy was shocked to see a completely drenched Taehyun standing in the doorway, with swollen eyes looking at him. This was the moment that Beomgyu learned the dark secret of Taehyun.

Letters and Roses: TaegyuWhere stories live. Discover now