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⚠️Warning! Read at your own risk ⚠️
Today Valentine's day rolled around the corner. As always there was a single rose on Beomgyu's desk today, the boy grabbed it and looked at it for a while admiring the bright red petals that still stood on the flower.

The student placed it back down and look over at the bag of potato chips and a bottle of yogurt jelly, the boy notices a smile form on his face as holds the yogurt in his hands with the sticky note saying, "please continue to stay healthy <3".

Beomgyu could feel his heart beating as he knew exactly who left it. The boy felt quite happy that Taehyun was taking care of him and it warmed his heart up. No one has taken care of him like this and it brought joy to him. Beomgyu didn't know if his feelings were sincere towards Taehyun or if he just looked at him like a younger brother.

He would always feel his heart beating and his hands become sweaty when Taehyun would always be near him. Beomgyu also noticed he didn't feel this towards Yeonjun which bothered him. Yeonjun was a nice guy, he took care of him and provided him with whatever he needed. Beomgyu felt complicated with his feelings.

The boy placed the yogurt and bag of chips in his bag while carefully placing the flower in his bag making sure it didn't crush between the books. Beomgyu waited for Yeonjun to get to class but he never came even after the bell rang and class had started. The boy became worried but didn't question it because Yeonjun might have been busy with something.

The class passed by like every day and Soobin walked out making sure he avoided eye contact with everyone else. The students in the building were all in a great mood today that they didn't even bother to glance at the pathetic excuse of a student. The couples were in the hallways giving each other gifts and flowers while others were just sharing their painful-looking love through a passionate messy kiss.

Beomgyu walked to his locker and opened it a white piece of paper fell but the boy quickly catches it before it can hit the floor in front of everyone. He opens the note and is surprised to see the words written in it.

Meet me in the courtyard after school

Beomgyu knitted his eyebrows as he flipped the paper to see if anything was written on it but nothing was. The boy felt confused and just placed the note in his pocket while still thinking about it. The boy felt hesitant if he should go to the courtyard but at the same time, it might just be some bully playing around with him. Beomgyu felt a guilty feeling in his heart as he decided he wasn't going to go. He didn't want to be made of again and be picked on anymore, it was best to just avoid any situations that might lead to it.

Beomgyu walked down the hallway towards his next class. His curiosity was killing him but he knew better than to go and try to find out who it was. The boy could feel a push on his bag as he almost trips over and falls down but thankfully he was able to catch himself. "Watch it loser," Jihoon says pushing Beomgyu to the side while Kai was following him shortly. There was something strange about the boy on an occasion like this Kai would probably be laughing along but instead, he just stared at the boy with emotionless eyes.

Jihoon walks by while Kai lowers his gaze and follows his friend disappears into the long hallway. The boy could hear the bell ring as the students start scattering inside their classrooms, "shit" Beomgyu mumbles under his breath when he noticed he wasn't even close to his classroom. The hallways become empty in an instant just when I boy could hear small laughter behind him. A shiver ran down his spine as he could recognize the familiar evil laugh.

"How is my little friend doing?"

A arm wrapped around the boys should as Beomgyu quickly took the hand away and stepped away from Heeseung. The corrupted boy let out a soft sigh as he smiled at the boy. "You know...I finally met your boyfriend" Heeseung says placing his hands together and stepping towards Beomgyu who franticly stepped away. "What was his name? mmm...oh, I remember Taehyun" the boy adds on.

The sentence made goosebumps grow on Beomgyu's arms as he held on to his bag tightly. His feet wanted to run away but his body was frozen in shock at the sight of Heeseung. "And I think it's time for payback for what he did to me," the boy says. Beomgyu's breathing became heavy but just when he regained movement in his legs Heeseung grabbed his wrist and threw him against the storage door. Beomgyu let out a harsh groan as he felt the pain grow from his previous still-healing wounds.

"Please...please don't" The boy begs feeling his eyes fill up with tears as he looks up at the bully. Heeseung only smiles as he unlocks the closet door, "I will do anything p-please" Beomgyu says his voice cutting due to the fear and pain that was rising. The evil boy opens the door and places the keys in his pocket while raising his eyebrow, "anything?" Heeseung asks. Beomgyu without thinking due to the anxiety nodded his head.

"We will see about that then," Heeseung says shoving Beomgyu inside the dark closet and shutting the door behind him. Beomgyu couldn't see anything but could still feel Heeseung's grip on him as he tried to free himself. "Don't fucking move" the boy said harshly. Beomgyu could feel the boys breathing as he got closer to him. Heeseung hand slowly touched his face as Beomgyu could feel his heart start racing in worry. The younger boy's hand traced down Beomgyu's face and down to his neck.

"Like I said...just like your mother," Heeseung said harshly grabbing Beomgyu's neck in his hand. Beomgyu could feel tears rush down his face as he let out a painful whimper due to the force that Heeseung was using. "Would give your body up for anything" the boy said his tone becoming cold. The younger boy placed his forehead against Beomgyu's, breathing heavily. Beomgyu could feel his breathing just by how close he was which frightened him.

Heeseung placed his hand through Beomgyu's locks pulling his head back slightly. "If only you were a girl, I would fuck you until you couldn't walk," Heeseung whispers his hands traveling underneath the boy's shirt. The cold feeling caused another whimper to exit Beomgyu's mouth as Heeseung quickly covered it. "Shut up," he says coldly.

Beomgyu quickly pulled his face away but that just caused Heeseung to become angrier as he grabbed Beomgyu's neck tightly. The uncomfortable feeling clogged up all the air from coming in. The boy quickly gasped for air as he felt the hold become tighter.  It suddenly became hard to breathe as Beomgyu quickly gasped for air. "Look what you did...you poor thing," Heeseung says whispering into the older boy's ear. Beomgyu tried pulling away with all his strength but his body was already weak and sore and there wasn't much energy left inside him anymore.

He could feel his eyes start to close as he tried to let out a scream but nothing came out. He faded into darkness which was already surrounding him.

Hey guys how have you guys been??

Sorry everything seems to be chaos now hehe. I promise I will continue to write and update this book as many times as I can. Trying to finish for November!

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