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For the following weeks, Beomgyu's father would come and visit his son. Beomgyu's mother was still a bit hesitant about having her ex-husband so close to her son but all that mattered was that Beomgyu was happy.

Beomgyu and his father would go out and do some father-son activities. His father was officially introduced to Taehyun, and Dong-wook couldn't be more happy for his son. The older man loved Beomgyu as he was and adored Taehyun as well.

Beomgyu couldn't ask for anything more.

Taehyun has been here for a few weeks already and he has gotten extremely close to Beomgyu's mother. Which has caused the boy to get a bit jealous of both parties.

"Have you forgotten about me?" Beomgyu asks when he notices his mother hugging Taehyun tightly. "Of course not, I'm just sharing my affection towards my new son," Mrs.Choi says chuckling while tightly embracing Taehyun.

"What about me?" Soobin asks biting into an apple while watching his stepmother hugging Taehyun. "Wasnt I your new son?" Soobin adds frowning with a poker face. "Fine, I won't hug anyone then," The older woman says putting her hands up in defeat. Taehyun was finally able to breathe as he laughs while continuing to help Beomgyu's mother cut the vegetables.

"Today we will be having a nice dinner, can't you call your father to come eat? He should be in the office" Mrs.Choi says while pulling out some plates from the cabinet.

Soobin was about to stand up but Beomgyu beat him to it as he walked off and up the stairs towards his stepfather's office room. "Pa, dinner is almost ready" Beomgyu calls out opening the room door and entering. The young boy was surprised to see the room empty, Joong-ki must have gone somewhere.

Beomgyu was able to exit the room to find his stepfather before noticing that he stepped on a piece of paper. The boy picks it up and walks towards the desk before certain words catch his attention.

Kang Taehyun Offical Record

Was written on top.

Beomgyu's eyes scanned the paper slowly taking each detail, but as each sentence was read, the more his heart sank and his eyebrows knitted. This couldn't have been Taehyun's record.

The boy walks out of the office and back downstairs towards the kitchen. "What is this?" he says sternly while shoving the paper towards Taehyun. His boyfriend looks at him confused while grabbing the paper and looking down at it.

"That's what you do? You make people cover up your mess?" Beomgyu asks.

His mother and Soobin could feel the tense atmosphere in the room.

"What's wrong?" Mrs.Choi asks looking at her son worried.

"I thought you were different, but your the same as every scum in that school," Beomgyu says turning around and running upstairs towards his room. "Beomgyu! Wait!" Taehyun says placing the paper down on the table and running after his boyfriend.

Beomgyu was about to shut the door behind him before Taehyun quickly reached up and blocked it from being shut. "Get out of here," Beomgyu says coldly.

"Beomgyu, listen to me."

"What more can I listen? To more excuses?" Beomgyu shouts out angrily.

"You make people clean up after you, and you expect me to believe you? That record was clear enough" Beomgyu responds.

"Listen Beomgyu, I never meant to hurt that kid. I promise" Taehyun says holding onto Beomgyu's arms.

"You sent him to the hospital Taehyun, it takes years to recover from that trauma, and all you can do is cover your mess and run away," Beomgyu says pushing the boy away from him. Taehyun quickly grabs ahold of the boy and falls to his knees.

Letters and Roses: TaegyuWhere stories live. Discover now