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Beomgyu's classes went along quite fast. Before he knew it the bell had already rung.

His homeroom wasn't as bad as he expected it to be, he sat all in the way in the back next to the window that viewed into the courtyard. No one looked his way or approached him at all which he quite liked.

Mr.Kim was always making sure he felt comfortable and telling him what they usually do during homeroom and the different activities and sports the school offers in case he was interested in one. His second block was English which he wasn't great at but had to still take since it was a mandatory classroom in Korean Education.

He packed up his stuff slowly making sure everyone left before him, he then exited the classroom heading to his geometry classroom which was his third class for today. He wasn't very excited to even walk into the class but after gaining some courage he walked in and the teacher greeted him kindly.

Thankfully she gave him the empty seat in the back. The desk was quite unstable and had carvings and pencil sketches on the desk, but the only thing that mattered was that he was able to sit in the back to not grab attention.

"Okay everyone, I want you guys to finish the work that is due tomorrow while I grade some papers so please be quiet and do your work," the teacher says fixing her glasses and heading to her desk grabbing a notebook and walking towards Beomgyu.

"Since you weren't here, I won't require you to do what they are doing but I want you to write the notes down of the lesson." She says, "Copy all this in your notebook for you to study" she adds placing a very big notebook on his desk. The teacher walks back to her desk and Beomgyu gets right into work.

The classroom was quiet but there were still some students that were talking to their friends and not doing anything that the teacher assigned them.

"Isn't that Soobin's brother?" a girl whispers to her friends.

Beomgyu pretends to not hear and continues to write down in his notebook the notes.

"You mean step-brother? I heard his mom just married Soobin's father just for the money" a guy replies side eying towards the boy who was sitting a few seats away. Beomgyu tried to block the comments and focus on his writing but his mind would wander back to the group of kids.

"She must be a gold digger and a slut, he probably is as well" Another girl replies. Beomgyu could feel his hands start to sweat as his hand's grip on the pen more tightly. He could feel his chest slowly rising in every breath he took and felt his heart beating quite rapidly.

"He's probably a spoiled little brat as well"

"Nah, he probably slept with his stepfather because his daddy wasn't giving him attention" the guy relies causing the whole group to laugh along.

Beomgyu felt a shiver run down his spine as he quickly got up grabbing the whole classroom's attention. He felt embarrassed as his face became a peachy pink, he slowly raised his hand as the teacher looked at him strangely.

"Can I please go to the bathroom?" he says quietly. The teacher quickly nods her head and he takes the opportunity to get out of that room as quickly as he can. Once he is in the hallway, he becomes confused about his actions that he wasn't able to control.

Upon arriving at the nearest bathroom, he entered the empty room. The lost in thought boy walked towards the sinks and stared at his reflection in the mirror. His eyes were half-closed and his face had become pale to the color of milk. The scene that just occurred repeated in his head making him feel more embarrassed than how he originally felt.

He turned on the sink and splashed cold water on his face drying it with some paper towels near the marble sinks. He felt confused and quite anger on his part, why would they say such things about him and his mother if he didn't even talk to them once?

Were they all like this?

His throat felt like it was clogged up almost to the point that it felt like it was choking him. His chest also felt heavy like it was going to pull him down and drag him across the floor. His eyes felt watery and burned a bit.

He honestly felt like shit.

He has never been looked down on or talked about when he was going to a public school. He had his small friend group and was mostly pushed aside and didn't gain that much attention. He felt normal there.

Beomgyu heard the bathroom door open as a boy walked in. Looking at the mirror at the reflection behind him, he noticed it was the same boy who stood behind in the school field hitting the ball into the goal repeatedly. The sensitive boy quickly wiped away the tears that were whelming up in his eyes and pretended to wash his hands.

The unnamed boy looked like he noticed Beomgyu's strange behavior and stopped for a few seconds before gaining his focus and walking into a stall. Beomgyu took the chance and walked out of the bathroom and heading back to his classroom.

He didn't want to go especially after hearing what he heard but he was already gone for too long and didn't want to get in trouble.

He walked back to his classroom and opened the slightly open door. Thankfully no one paid attention to him as he walked back to his seat, he sat down and proceeded to pick up the notebook his teacher let him borrow. He froze as he discovered new writings on his desk, his eyes traced over the disgusting and insulting words.

Bet you sleep around like your mother just to get a dollar.

Did you also sleep with your stepfather? Lol of course you would, just for the money right?

You look like an ugly turd left on the streets, oh wait you are! Why don't you go back to the streets where you belong :)

Beomgyu closed his eyes as he felt the tears building up again. He didn't want to look anymore, he didn't want to read anymore. He placed the notebook down in hopes that he covers all the writings on the desk.

Lucky the bell rings for the fourth time today. He opens his eyes and watches the group of friends laugh while exiting the room.
Sorry, this chapter was delayed, I honestly feel like shit and not doing so well at school 😬

I will try my best to keep up with the schedule.

Letters and Roses: TaegyuWhere stories live. Discover now