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Taehyun looked over at the refined boy who was reading a book silently on one of the benches of the courtyard. His face looked so beautiful and his aura and presence were so graceful and elegant. The light pink tint in his lips and cheeks made him look so adorable. The glasses on his nose placed on the tip of his nose.

The boy had the urge to approach him but he knew he couldn't. All he could do was admire him from a distance. The sound of the bell woke him up from his trance while he watched the younger boy get up from the bench and walk away. Taehyun got up from his seat looking away from the window and collecting his stuff from his desk before entering the crowded hallway. He tugged on his bag while passing the groups of people that trampled the hallway. Finally, he reached the front doors and walked out just in time as he watched the lonely boy pass the gates. Taehyun's friends placed their hands on his shoulder laughing while shoving him out of the school property.

"Let's go eat something, I'm hungry!" one of his friends says while leaning on him. The scent of weed traced all over him. "What do you guys want?" Taehyun asks placing his hands in his pocket away from the cold. "Are you offering?" another one of his buddies asks with a smirk.

"That doesn't matter, what do you want?" Taehyun asks.

"I want to go drink with some barbecue"

"Let's go then," Taehyun says his eyes capturing the figure of the captivating boy entering a convenience store. "Do you have a lighter with you?" his friend asks digging into his pocket and looking for a cigarette. "no..." Taehyun says softly while still looking at the boy in the store as he passes the store.


The scent of alcohol and cigarettes was overwhelming which caused Taehyun to feel dizzy despite that he only drank a bottle of beer and nothing else. He walked behind his friends watching as they swang from one side to the other. They were laughing like lunatics while hitting each other in the shoulder.

Taehyun felt tired and all he could think of was going to bed. His friends seemed to catch something as they whisper among themselves but Taehyun was too out-zoned to notice what they were saying. Suddenly they turned into an alley which confused Taehyun who was battling a headache. "Where are you guys going?!" Taehyun shouted holding his head.

His legs felt like jelly almost causing him to trip. He heard a few laughs and groaning which caused his alert to be placed up while catching up with where his friends went. The boy noticed that his friends were cornering someone against a wall so he ran up to them. "What are you doing, leave them alone," Taehyun says placing his hands on their shoulders while pushing them back.

He looked towards the person that was being cornered and he could instantly feel his heart stop. The boy looked scared and confused as he was against the wall.

"Don't bug in Taehyun, look it's the gay boy" his friend says pushing him aside and standing in front of the dazzling boy who looked terrified. Taehyun noticed that the boy was dressed in an exposing outfit and only had a large coat to cover him.

"If I pay, would you give me a blowjob?" the other friend asks placing his hand on the boy's hair and pulling it roughly. Taehyun pushed him aside while blocking the boy from his drunk friends. "You guys are drunk, let's go now," Taehyun says.

"What the fuck is your problem man? Why are you protecting him?" The drunk friend asks while shoving Taehyun's shoulder.

"Don't tell me you like him? Taehyun that's not right, you can't be a faggot like him" his other friend adds on causing them to laugh. It hurt hearing those words but he kept his posture. This was the reason why he couldn't approach the boy behind him.

"It's late let's go home," Taehyun says softly trying to keep his calm.

"If you don't like him prove it" his friend comments, "punch him".

Taehyun shook his head afraid. "Come on Taehyun, show us you aren't like him". Taehyun could only stay silent as he felt the headache grow even more. His friends pushed him away while pinning the boy against the wall, "come on, throw a punch" his friend says. This was why he was disgusted with himself, he could never be normal. He couldn't be like his friends who liked girls. Instead, he could only hide away from the comments of others.

There was this sudden anger that rushed inside his body but he wasn't sure what triggered it. Instead of being mad at his friends, he felt disgusted with himself with what he was. Taehyun threw a rough punch towards the boy who easily fell to the floor due to his weak figure, he could hear his friends laughing in the background as he threw another one. One after another, until his hand started to numb due to the pain. Just then Taehyun realized what he had done.

Blood was all over the boy's face and red marks were stained on his face. Taehyun suddenly felt sick and could feel his stomach twist around. Taehyun moved to the side and vomited on the floor next to the injured boy. The innocent boy reflected him like a mirror and he let out all his anger with himself for not being normal. The sirens of the night patrol cop could be heard in the distance which caused his friends to run out while laughing like maniacs down the street. Taehyun dragged his body toward the boy who was laying on the floor unconscious.

Taehyun reached out to him holding his face in his hands and placing it on his lap. "I'm sorry..." Taehyun sobbed while wiping the running blood from the boy's face. The instant regret felt like hell, he never wanted this to happen. "I'm sorry" he whispered while the sirens became louder. He kept repeating those words until he completely blacked out.


Taehyun woke up while holding onto the bed sheets tightly. His forehead was covered in sweat and his body felt hot. The boy's breathing was heavy while he looked around the room. He instantly felt relaxed when he noticed that he was in Beomgyu's room. The older boy's hand was knotted with Taehyun's which caused the sudden spike of fear to vanish completely.

Taehyun looked down at Beomgyu who had his eyes close and was breathing lightly. He leaned down slowly and placed a soft kiss on the boy's forehead while ruffling his hair softly. Taehyun leaned his body against the headboard of the bed letting out a quiet sigh. Everytime he blinked the image of the unconscious boy would appear in his head.

This was the reason why his dad had to convince his school to allow him to attend the private school and erase his history. He left a boy unconscious and traumatized for life due to his insecurity and peers. He didn't learn from this lesson and continued hanging out with the same people that had the same mindset back in his old school, but this time he wasn't going to hurt Beomgyu, no matter how he viewed himself, Taehyun had to learn how to embrace who he was. He regrets his past actions and for allowing himself to look at the boy as a reflection of himself.

He was expelled from his school and his father transferred him here using his power and money, otherwise, no one would admit him. His history has been erased from his records but not from his memories. His past friends were not so lucky since they didn't come from a wealthy family and were charged with assault and had to serve time in a Juvenile Detention Center. He was fortunate, but he didn't feel like it.

He paid for the boy's medical bills with his money until he recovered, but he couldn't find himself to allow the boy to see his face anymore. He had hurt him enough and he didn't deserve to be forgiven. Taehyun fell for the boy but it only hurt him. He later found out that the younger boy was working at a nightclub entertaining older men for money to support his younger brother. His heart completely shattered but he couldn't do anything about it, he made the boy's life harder.

So he started sending in checks every month which was the most he could do. He hasn't heard about him since then but Taehyun hopes he and his brother are doing better now.

Taehyun could feel his eyes become heavy, he was afraid that if he went to sleep again he would dream about the incident again. But the sleepiness was sneaking in and it became unstoppable. Taehyun closed his eyes while holding onto Beomgyu's hand which was interlocked with his. He felt comfort in the boy's touch, he hasn't felt this comfort in years.

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