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⚠️ read at your own risk +18
Taehyun leaned forward again and kissed the boy's lips wiping the frosting from his lips, Beomgyu couldn't help but follow along tasting the delicious frosting along with Taehyun's sweet lips.

The sugary flavor melted inside the boy's mouths as they increased the intensity of the kiss. Beomgyu grabbed Taehyun's face pulling him closer as he took ahold of the boy's bottom lip between his teeth. "It tastes sweeter than usual," Beomgyu says smiling. Taehyun lets out a faded chuckle before attaching his lips back on Beomgyu's and slowly pushing him back on the door.

"Tell me if it hurts" Taehyun whispers heavily while holding Beomgyu's neck to avoid him from hitting the wound around his neck. The younger boy had to keep in note that the older boy's body was hurt and bruised so he had to be more gentle than what he anticipated. Beomgyu leans his lips towards Taehyun's ear, placing a small kiss on it and looking into the younger boy's eyes. "I love you" Beomgyu whispers.

Taehyun could feel the boys heavy breathing as he holds their foreheads together, "I love you too" Taehyun says quietly placing a small kiss on the boy's nose. Beomgyu's hands travel underneath Taehyun's shirt, while he reconnects their lips leading up to a more eager taste. He could feel the defined back muscles of the athlete, as well as his shoulder blade. Taehyun held Beomgyu's waist as he slowly guided him towards the bed while maintaining the desirable kiss.

Taehyun sat on the bed as Beomgyu sat down on his lap not thinking about breaking the kiss yet. Beomgyu soon breaks the kiss to take some air in before continuing to resume the intense kiss. The boys have a battle with their tongues which causes a soft moan to exit Beomgyu's mouth. The younger boy held onto Beomgyu's waist as his hands slide underneath the boy's shirt feeling the boys's spine.

"hyung" Taehyun whispered softly as he felt the hard erection of Beomgyu. His body was becoming hot as he felt his own crotch become harder by the second. The friction he felt was driving him insane and it was harder to maintain himself. The older boy grabbed Beomgyu's waist and flipped him laying him down on the bed gently. "I..."

"I don't t-think we should do this" Taehyun says feeling Beomgyu's heavy breathing. "You are hurt" the younger boy adds on. Beomgyu grabs the boys neck and pulls him closer while connecting their lips together. "please" Beomgyu whispers into the boys ear. This word drove Taehyun insane as he tried to keep his composure. He didn't want to hurt the boy since he already was.

"Beomgyu" Taehyun says quietly.

"please" Beomgyu responds holding the younger boys face in his hand.

Taehyun took a few breathes before leaning down and tracing his hand over the bruise that aligned on his neck. "Are you sure?" Taehyun asks looking at Beomgyu. The older boy nods his head before Taehyun proceeds to kiss Beomgyu's neck.

Beomgyu's hands travel up Taehyun's shirt feeling the buttons that decorated the cloth. His hands got to work as he unbuttoned them one by one until Taehyun's collarbone was exposed. The older boy started buckling his hips upwards rubbing his area with Taehyun's. This action caused a moan to exit the younger boy's mouth.

Beomgyu placed his hands on Taehyun's neck and pulled him into a deep kiss. Beomgyu let out a soft whimper as Taehyun bit his lips which just caused Taehyun to feel hotter than how he already was feeling. The athlete placed his hand underneath the boy and lifted him, quickly taking off the boy's shirt. Beomgyu's body was covered in new bruises and old markings of the fading bruises. There were still a few healing small scratches along his chest and some scars that traced on his stomach.

Taehyun placed a kiss on a bruise that was under Beomgyu's collarbone. The boy then proceeded to kiss the boy's chest down to his waistline. Beomgyu let a moan escape his mouth as Taehyun placed his hand on the boy's erection.

Beomgyu quickly unbuttoned Taehyun's shirt exposing his well-built body and biceps. Taehyun removed his shirt and started to unbuckle his belt while placing his lips on Beomgyu's. The older boy gave quick access to Taehyun while moaning into the heated kiss. Beomgyu suddenly remembers something and places his hand on Taehyun's chest pushing him back a bit.

"Wait what about Soobin?" Beomgyu asks.

"He left, you can be as loud as you want," Taehyun says reconnecting their swollen lips.

Beomgyu got to work on his own pants, moving his hands swiftly as he took them off leaving him in only his boxers. Taehyun followed along and at this point, they were completely naked rubbing on each other. Taehyun's hair was a mess due to Beomgyu pulling and tugging on it while Beomgyu's lips were swollen red while red bite marks aligned on his neck.

Taehyun slowly trailed his hand up Beomgyu's thigh causing a loud moan to exit the boy's mouth. Beomgyu wanted the younger boy to touch him, he wanted to feel him. "We don't have anything" Beomgyu let out in stutters. Taehyun looked around and pulled one of the drawers of Beomgyu's nightstand finding a bottle of lube and a pack of condoms.

"Where did that come from?" Beomgyu asks confused about why that was in his drawer. "Soobin told me to check in your nightstand in the car ride home, I guess I finally understood what he meant," Taehyun says smirking. Beomgyu lets out a heated laugh pulling the boy down and placing light kisses on the boy's neck. The younger boy was busy as he quickly placed the condom on and spread some lube over the top of it.

"Please tell me if it hurts," Taehyun says before slowly entering giving the older boy to adjust to the pain. Beomgyu let out a harsh whimper as his back arched in pain. The boy dug his fingernails into Taehyun's back, letting out a messy moan. "Does it hurt?" the younger boy asked worried when he noticed Beomgyu's reaction. Beomgyu shook his head and nodded his head to continue.

Taehyun followed the request and continued his movement finally going all the way in. He repeated this step going out and back in and picking up his pace along the way. Beomgyu's pain soon became into pleasure in an instant as he started letting out lustful moans and whimpers. Taehyun would also let a few moans and groans escape his lips as he would thrust into the boy.

Every time Taehyun would hit Beomgyu's prostate a loud pleasurable moan would exit the boy which just caused Taehyun to pick up his pace feeling the heat and warmth inside Beomgyu. The boy's hair stuck to their foreheads due to the sweat, it was such a pleasing scene from Taehyun's perspective looking down at Beomgyu. The boy's cheeks were covered in a pink blush, while his red swollen lips could open every time Taehyun would thrust into him. "You look so beautiful" Taehyun comments while leaning down and placing a soft kiss on Beomgyu's lips.

Beomgyu could feel his heart beating rapidly upon hearing those words. It was the first time someone called him that.

Beomgyu indulged in Taehyun's words and pulled the boy closer to him while placing a small kiss on the boy's nose. Taehyun took Beomgyu's lips into his own and allowed their tongues to slip into each other's mouths just as they were reaching their climax. The older boy only needed to tug on Taehyun's hair before they both came together, a loud pleasing moan coming out of both of them.

Taehyun lets out a groan as he slowly continues to rock his hips before pulling out and taking off the condom. The younger boy lies in Beomgyu's arms, tired and breathless. Taehyun places a kiss on the boy's temple before closing his heavy eyes, Beomgyu following along.
Why did it take so long to write this scene? 🤨
It's becoming more difficult every time I swear, so sorry for any mistakes and confusion of this chapter. Another update for this week because I'm trying to finish writing by December! Already been a year since I started this book, why did it take so long? lol

We are getting closer to the end :( which saddens me for some reason.

Anyways love y'all <3

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