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Taehyun could notice that Soobin was acting weird after the practice for today. The older boy consistently kept looking at his phone and back at the empty bleachers as if he were waiting for someone. Taehyun was getting distracted and couldn't concentrate on kicking the ball in the goal due to the frustrated groans and worried expressions of Soobin.

The coach also noticed the tension of the team captain so he dismissed practice early making the team happy that they got more time to get ready for the Valentine's event the school will be holding at night. Taehyun grabbed the beaten soccer ball and walked up to the captain who was still trying to get ahold of someone on his phone.

"Hyung, what's wrong?" the boy said while Yeonjun slowly followed also noticing the frustration of his friend. Soobin lets out a harsh groan as he pulls his phone away from his ear while looking at it. "Beomgyu was supposed to be here an hour ago but he still isn't. I'm trying to call him but it just leads to voice mail" Soobin says still trying to call the missing boy.

"What if he just stayed after school to finish a school assignment?" Yeonjun asks wiping his dirty shirt. Soobin shakes his head, "he told me he would come ten minutes before practice started, he would have told me if he had an assignment" Soobin explains placing his phone in his pocket.

The captain starts to head down the field while the two boys follow him. "Where are you going?" Yeonjun asks. "I'm going to find him," Soobin says starting to run towards the back door of the school. Taehyun quickly follows after the boy as Yeonjun is left behind before he decides to also follow them inside the building.

"I will go ask the teacher, see if you can find him in the hallways," Soobin says patting Taehyun's back before running down the empty hallway. The boy nods his head as walks down the opposite side from where Soobin went. The hallways were empty since school already ended and no one was planning on staying after unless they participated in a club or sport. Taehyun took out his phone and started marking Beomgyu's phone to see if he could at least hear the ringtone.

The boy passed by the classroom looking through the window to see if he could at least see him but the boy was nowhere to be found. Long minutes passed but Taehyun still couldn't find the boy. At this point he had done two rounds around the school, he even checked the bathrooms but he didn't find Beomgyu anywhere. Taehyun was becoming frustrated and started to become worried. He didn't want anything bad to happen to the younger boy, especially after promising him that he wasn't going to allow anyone to hurt him again.

The athlete called Beomgyu's phone once again hoping that he would finally answer. There was suddenly a soft ringtone coming from down the hallway so Taehyun quickly ran down but made his steps light to hear it better. The sound was coming from a storage closet. Taehyun tried to open the door but it was locked. "Beomgyu! Are you in there?" the boy called out knocking on the door. There was light shuffling on the other side which caused Taehyun to become more alert as he tugged on the doorknob. He could hear a small whimper which caused him to start looking around to see if he could find anyone to open the door.

"It's alright Beomgyu, I'm here, I will get you out okay?" Taehyun says trying to reassure the older boy that he wasn't alone.  The younger boy spots the janitor closet nearby and quickly runs to it hoping that it would be open. Fortunately enough the door was open and Taehyun had easy access to the crowded and small room.

The boy fumbles around the room filled with toilet paper and cleaning supplies. His hands were aimlessly going through the key cabinet which contained multiple keys. Finally, after long seconds, the boy finds the storage key and quickly runs back to the door. Taehyun unlocks the door and rapidly opens it revealing Beomgyu who was a sobbing mess on the ground. An unfamiliar feeling washed down Taehyun's whole body at the sight of the boy.

The younger boy kneels and pulls the crying boy in his arms. Everything that he felt suddenly vanished into thin air, he felt emotionless. All he could feel was Beomgyu's tears soaking up in his shirt. Taehyun strokes the boy's back while running his fingers through his hair in an attempt to calm him down. "It's okay Beomgyu, I'm here no one will hurt you," the boy said feeling his heart shatter into pieces as he lets go of those words.

He was unsuccessful in completing his promise and it hurt him knowing the disappointment that he carried on his back. Taehyun pulls back and places Beomgyu's face in his hands, the older boy had tears streaming down his face and his eyes were swollen. What caught Taehyun's eyes was the red mark that went around the boy's neck. His eyes turned dark as his fingers softly traced the marks before looking up at Beomgyu. "Who did this?" Taehyun asks his voice becoming deep. Beomgyu felt a clog in his words and could only cry harder when words didn't want to come out.

Taehyun grabs his phone and sends a message to Soobin telling him that he found his brother and where they were. It didn't take long before Soobin arrived with Yeonjun chasing after him. The captain rushed to aid his sobbing brother. Taehyun stood up and allowed Soobin to pull Beomgyu into an embrace as he rambled asking if the boy was alright. Taehyun could only feel one emotion in his heart and that was anger. The boy started walking down the hallway which caused both Yeonjun and Soobin to look in his direction. "Where are you going?" Yeonjun asks.

"Just stay with Beomgyu," Taehyun says not even bothering to look at the boy before disappearing around a corner. "Take care of him," Soobin tells Yeonjun before running after Taehyun knowing he was about to do something risky.

Taehyun walks down the hallway hearing Soobin call after him but it was almost like the boy's words faded as he entered the photography room. The students in the room quickly turned to look his way with confused expressions plastered on their faces.

"Where is Heeseung?" the boy asks. The students didn't bother to hesitate as they all pointed towards the darkroom. Taehyun quickly walked towards the door and opened it. "What the fuck is your problem now the picture is ruined, you assh-" Heeseung says but stops when he notices who was standing in the doorway. Taehyun didn't allow the boy to proceed as he quickly threw a punch at the boy causing him to fall back into the desk. The younger boy grabbed the boy from the collar and continued to throw punch by punch.

"Taehyun stop!" Soobin shouted grabbing the boy and trying to pull him away but it was almost like the boy was attached like a tick to Heeseung. Taehyun pushes the boy back and drags the beaten boy against the wall causing everything to get knocked out. Heeseung had blood running down his nose and his lip was swollen and busted, his whole face was covered in bruises but this didn't slow Taehyun down. The boy continued to punch his ex-friend until he couldn't feel his knuckles anymore.

A few teachers noticed the chaos and loud sounds as they quickly rushed into the room.

Soobin grabs Taehyun and shoves him away from the bruised boy. "Taehyun!" he shouts keeping his hand up to keep some distance between the boys. The teachers also stand in between as they attempt to help the wounded boy on the ground. "Taehyun!" a loud voice calls out. Taehyun could recognize the voice and just leaves the room passing by Mr.Kim and heading straight to his office.


Taehyun's hands were covered in blood and his knuckles were already bruising up. "Taehyun, I already gave you a warning. This time I have no choice but to call your father about your behavior today" Mr.Kim tells. This time Taehyun was going to be in big trouble, his father came back from his business meeting already.

"Call him then," Taehyun says standing up from the chair and getting ready to leave. "Was it because of that friend again?" Mr.Kim says as Taehyun holds the doorknob in his hand. The boy nods his head before opening the door and leaving the office. He didn't want to admit it but he was scared of going back home. He didn't want to see his father but there was no other choice, he had nowhere else to go.

Sorry for such late updates. There have been things building up on me and I just keep putting more loads of work on myself without realizing how overcomplicated it has become.

I will try to keep up hehe

Love y'all <3

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